Chapter 14

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Ana's P.O.V.

I listened to Ian and Phil's conversation for the next little bit. Anger pulsing through my veins. "I had a feeling I shouldn't have let Phil go in with Ian!" I screamed.

"What happened?!" Jen asked startled.

"Phil remembers! Ian started to tell him about his past and he remembered." I then had a brilliant idea. "You know what we have to do now right?"


"We have to kill Phil again then when we bring him back to life train him to be one of our soldiers! It's a full proof plan!"

"NO!" Jen yelled.

"What did you say?"

"I said no. We can't do this Ana! I am normally all for your plans but we can't."

"Why not?"

"We can't for a couple of reasons for one, when we brought Phil back he wasn't  blank slate immune to feeling, he just couldn't remember things. Also, what are we going to do with Ian? We told Anthony and Dan that he was alive and we were just going to keep him for a couple days. It's already been four days since we said that."

I thought about those points for a couple of moments. "Those are some valid points. Fine I'll return Ian tomorrow at least, but before we do, so he doesn't tell about Phil, let's remove his vocal chords so he can't speak."

"What?" Jen sounded a little disgusted.

"You heard me! You want Ian returned? We must remove his vocal chords."

"Why don't we just create a machine that'll erase his memory?!?"

"Because that would only be a temporary fix as he would have a chance of remembering. Besides I know someone who could replace his vocal chords if we ever want to have him speak again." I didn't really know someone I just wanted Jen to agree.

She looked very reluctant to agree, but eventually she agreed. "Fine, but only if you do actually replace his vocal chords after a little bit."

"Of course. Go send the guards to get Ian. We'll do the surgery this evening and send him back to Anthony and Dan tomorrow."

Things were going wonderfully. As Jen walked off, I smiled to myself. I was coming up with an idea that I wouldn't tell anyone about until it happened. I would create a machine that would alter Phil's entire personality. That way I could still have him be trained as one of my most fierce guards. 

I started planning this in my head. I would maybe even try to alter his entire genetic code and give him abilities. 

It then occurred to me that I should test Anthony and Dan at some point as well. I then planned that they would be my test rats for the genetic code altering serum. This would go so smooth. 

Just then the guards had brought in Ian. I smiled my evil smile at him and then spoke to the guards. "Chain him to the table over there that'll be where we do the surgery."

"Surgery?!? What surgery!?!" Ian then started pulling quite violently against the guards. 

"Also guards give him lots of anesthesia. Trust me he'll need it."

I walked out of the room to go prepare myself for this surgery. I came back 30 minutes later to a knocked out Ian. The anesthesia was in full affect. 

I then did the surgery with ease. After it was complete the guards then moved Ian to the little bed I had in the corner. This my be one of the best plans I had ever achieved in my entire life.


A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't been on in a while life just kept getting in the way. But I hope you're enjoying it. Also I now have over 600 reads that's amazing! Thank you guys so much! 

(Because there's not a main youtuber in this lol) Check out All Time Low's song 'Take Cover'

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