Chapter 1

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Not a very good encounter

"Okay so here we go..." Lucy said while sighing to relax herself. "High School Love ❤️" was written on the page and Nashi was getting excited to know about her parents' past.
Are you ready? Buckle up your seatbelts.
Narrator's POV
Tuesday. It all started on the first day of high school. Natsu was a sophomore and Lucy was the new girl. On the way to Magnolia High, Lucy was beginning to get more nervous and nervous by the minute , once she saw the school in the distance she was anxious.
Lucy's POV|| On the way to Magnolia High

'What if I don't fit in?'

'What if I embarrass myself on the first day of my new high school life?'

'What if I never make friends?'

'Ughhh.... Why did we have to move to Magnolia?'

These thoughts keep roaming around my head.

'Just stop jinxing it, Lucy!'

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in

Breathe out

Okay, there it is I can see it from here.
Just relax, everything is going to be fine. Mom wanted you to be happy on the day that you moved to your hometown. So try to--

"WATCH OUT!!!" shouted by someone who was riding on his skateboard. ' that pink hair?' I thought but I was instantly snapped back to reality when I realized that the guy was riding his skateboard to my direction in a very fast speed.
"Huh?....what--" I was cut off when the pink haired guy crashed into me.


" I dead?" I wondered when my vision adjusted and what I saw was the morning beautiful sky.
"Hey! Are you okay?" asked someone beside me, all I could see was a pink blur.
"Ugh...I think so..." I muttered, my head was still spinning and I couldn't stand up.
"What do you mean you think so? You should know if you're okay or not since I can't guess 'cause I'm a different person and I don't know what you're feeling! What? Do you expect me to guess?!" ranted the guy who was such an idiot. Can't he see that I am still recovering from that wham he caused earlier?!
"Well who's fault do you think it is?!" I snapped back at him.
"Oh now you're blaming me? Who didn't look at where she was going?!"
"Well how about you? You knew there was something or someone on your way you could've changed the direction you were going in!"
"STOP." roared a red haired girl. I was now regaining back my senses. "You two. Go to the office."
"What? But I d--"
"Ugh. Damn you Erza" murmured the guy when he got up. 'I guess that girl's name is Erza, with the aura around her she seems to be an organized and uhh....pretty scary person when she is not in a good mood.'
We silently walked on our way to the principal's office, but me still new to this school was looking around and following behind the pink haired guy who, as I must say has a short temper.
"Why are you looking around like that? Are you new here?"
"Uh...yeah" I was about to say 'Duh' but I wouldn't wanna increase the anger he has on me because of what happened earlier. But I did say that in a 'duh' tone.
"Wait....are you Lucy Heartfilia?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I was instructed by the principal to be the one to guide you through the school and stuff like that."
"Oh........wait YOU?!"
"Why? Got a problem with that?!"
"I-- ssshh......I think this is the principal's office am I right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Let's pretend that we weren't sent here by the red haired girl and just came to report that you found me, the new girl and--"
"Yeah, yeah. Okay I get it, now let's go"
'Ugh...I hate this guy'
In the principal's office
"Hello." (A/N: it's me, I've been wondering if after all this years,  you'd like to meet to go over, everything~) "How may I help you?" said a small man seated on the swivel chair who I think is the principal, I guess.
"Uh...I'm Lucy Heartfilia"
"Oh welcome! Thank you for choosing to study here in Magnolia High instead of the other high schools. So how was the start of your da-- what happened to your arm?"
"Uhh...." I gotta think of an excuse!
"Yeah, Lucy. What happened to your arm?" the pink haired guy smirked at me. 'Is he testing me if I can search of an excuse? He's the reason why I got this bruise!'
"Why are you smirking for Mr. Dragneel?'
"Huh? Was I smirking? I thought I was frowning, sorry"
"Natsu Dragneel. Are you somewhat involved about Ms. Heartfilia's injury?" asked the principal in a serious tone. 'Huh. So his name is Natsu'
"W-what? Heh. Why'd you think that?" Natsu stammered, Hah! I guess you aren't a good liar now aren't cha?
"Natsu. Do you think I don't know the people that are ruining some school properties and are disobeying the rules of my high school?"
' he's a bad boy'
"It's okay, mister...?
"Makarov. Principal Makarov."
"It's okay Mr.Makarov. It's just a small bruise it'll heal after some time."
"Okay. But you still have to go the infirmary, just in case it gets infected. And of course, Natsu will guide you there."
"Hmpf, whatever" Natsu crossed his arms.
"Okay, sir."
"Get your schedule at the admission's office and just ask the procedure of students' morning routine to Natsu. He will be your personal guide until you get used to life here on Magnolia High."
Hmm...okay then. What could go wrong?
1st day to the past..!

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