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°Red Riding Hood °

My vision was blurry at first. My muscles tense and aching. Then the pain in my leg shot up my spin, making me whimper and gasp. Than a tan figure with dark hair pulled me into her lap, stroking my head and whispering in my ear.

"Easy now, easy. Your leg is injured. You were attacked by....a bear." She paused mid sentence. I looked up into the dark figures eyes and stopped. Her eyes were a deep reddish brown with specks of gold around her pupil.

I looked away and down to my leg. I crawled off her lap and back onto the furs. "Were am I and how did I get here?" I basically mumble. The girl smiled, showing her bright ...and sharp...teeth.

"I carried you to my village." She said, obviously proud of her deed. I sighed and shook my head. "OK, what of the bear?" I didn't know why I asked, I just needed to make small talk. I needed her not to ask why I was out there.

"I scared her off. She only wanted you away from her young. If I wasn't there, she would have ripped you to shreds." She said, obviously begging for a thank you.

"Thank you." I said in a hushed tone. I than rolled a onto my side, facing away from her. I sighed and closed my eyes, wanting her to leave. I waited a second, but instead she laid down next to me.

"Don't you have something better to do." I sneered.

"Yes, but I need to make sure your OK." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. Sighing, I turned onto my back and folded my hands into my lap. I noticed an older woman walk in, but I closed my eyes and payed no mind to her.

She proceeded to poke my coverings. I released a low growl that surprised me and the old woman. The girl beside me only chuckled. "This is my grandmother and the tribes healer." She said, sitting up only enough to look me in the eyes.

I huffed than closed my eyes. Usually I'm not this rude when I'm in pain, I swear. Also the girls presence irritated me. I tried to stand leaning my weight on my opposite foot and glared at the girl. "I'm hungry." I said trying to walk out. The girl followed after me and we walked out together, after I protested obviously.

She walked me over to a tent that radiated a heavenly smell. My stomach growled loudly, and the girl laughed. "What's your name, I want to scold you properly." I deadpanned. She smirked and shook her head. "On one condition, you give me your name." She said, obviously thinking she's smart.

I rolled my eyes and pushed through the tent flap. "Katelyn," I mumbled. She smiled as she fallowed me in. "My name is Ashrious." She said taking a lump of meat off the grill and tore into it like she is an animal. I glared at her and sneered at the way she ate.

I shook my head and looked away from her. I took a small peace of...what ever this is. I lightly nibbled on the corners. It was good, but I didn't show it. I won't let her have the satisfaction.

Slowly I made bigger bites to get the full affect of the meat. Just when I was about to finish it off, I felt eyes on me. I looked over to where Ashrious watched me. She had a weird glint in her eye that made my stomach flip. I quickly looked away and back at my food. I wasn't hungry anymore. Not for this, anyways.

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