True Power

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I spun around and grabbed the throat of whomever touched me. I heard gasps all around us as I realized who I lifted off the ground. Dropping him quickly, I stepped away in horror.

Bayous rubbed his neck where I grabbed him. I was about to turn and run, but was stopped by my mate. She held me as I shook and gripped her clothing for dear life. "Breath, darling. You don't know how to control her yet, it's ok." She whispered in my ear.

I did as told and release my hold on the black fabric. Taking a step away from my mate, I turned to face my recent victim. I stretched out my hand and gave him a warm smile. Bayous smiled and shook his head, taking my hand to rise.

"Sorry about that, Red. Didn't think I'd wake the beast." He apologized,  rubbing his neck. I snorted and punched his arm, leaning into my mate. He winced a bit but ended up laughing it off.

I looked at my clenched fists and let out a shakey breath. Relaxing each muscle and calmed myself to the point my heart could beat normally. Finally opening up my eyes, I turned to face Ash and held her hand. "I'm ready," I practically whispered. She let out a long held breath and lead me to the hill where most of the pack now waited for us.

I scanned the crowd of unfamiliar faces. I saw apprehensive admeration in their eyes. After my little display of strength, I would be too. As we neared the base of the hill, Ash gave my hand a squeeze and looked at me. I couldn't help but blush. God, why did I hate her when we first met? I don't even remember now.

She looked behind me. I hadn't realized it until now, but we were standing at the top of the mound. I scanned the crowd once more, my eyes landing on my sister. I  couldn't but smile with pride. Then my mate squeezed my hand, telling me it's time.

I looked at the audience before me and stood tall, feel a sense of power course through my blood as I did. I could feel the pack and they accepted me. "Friends, family, pack-mates, we are gathered here today to celebrate the changing of our pack-mate and the coming of our new alphas." Bayous addressed the audience.

He then turned to me and waved me forward, "Katelyn of Arios, daughter of..." Bayous paused. He didn't know who my parents were, and to be honest, neither did I, not anymore. But then he continued, a wicked smile graced his lips. "Daughter of blood and fire, we welcome you into our pack and our hearts. Rise, our Luna, and tell us your name." I could feel a power within my core as he finished then, as if possessed, a name echoed through the camp. "Rose." The name spilled from my lips.

The pack, excluding Bayous, kneel before me and Ash, then Bayous continued. "Ashrious of the Deadrix Hills, daughter hurricanes and night, rise before us and claim your rank." Ash stepped next to me and took my hand. She bent back her head and released a howl that would shake the world to its knees. But as soon as she started, so did I. Our songs united and I felt as if the gods had touched my soul. The pack was now joined in song with us.

The love and power I felt was like nothing before. I felt whole. I haven't felt like this in a long time, not for eight years. I was finally home. Where I belonged.

The End

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