Home Sweet Hell

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I didn't breath for the time we stood their. Her arms rapped around my waste and mouth. I could feel the warmth from her body seep through my clothing.
I finally got my bearings after we stood there for fifteen minutes. I pushed her away and took off my hood. I gave her the red silk fabric and she placed it over her shoulders.

This is when I realized how small I actually was. The hood didn't cover her breasts and it blearily covered her ass. I tried to focus on something else, but I kept looking her way.

"You can look. I'm not shy." She said huskily, stepping closer to me. I froze and my heart beat in the walls of my chest like a wood pecker. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I started to get light headed.

"Can we just g..g..go." I stammered, turning my face away from her. I heard her sigh like it disappointed her, then she grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her.
Ash than slammed her lips into mind. Her taste was intoxicating and her movement made my body scream for more. She awoke something dark within my soul. Something predator and starving. I released a low growl that rumbled my being.

Fear filled as I realized what I just did. I pushed her away and started walking toward my village. I couldn't be near her any longer. Not if I wanted to keep my sanity. "Kat!" She yelled after me.

I spun to face her. She owes me an explanation anyways, but when I saw the scarlet coloring everywhere, I couldn't help but to be sick. I than looked to the forest floor. My father in law was covered in scratches and tears. His body contents littered the forest floor.

I ran from the scene, hand over mouth, wishing for it all to go away. I ran as fast as I could, flashback from when the bear attacked me replayed in my head.
I got caught in a thorn bush when I looked back to see if she was chasing after me, but I didn't expect what I saw. I large bear like creature fallowed after me and just before I fell, it looked...scared.

Now, it just stood over me, expressionless. Slowly, it bent its head down and licked the blood off my cheek. I felt as though I was going to faint when the but of a rifle came down on the beasts head. I heard a yelp than a low, dark growl.

I ran into the village before I could see who my savior was. All eyes fell on me. My cloths were torn and stained with blood from the thorns. "Katelyn," I heard my fiancee say my name and I instantly hung my head and stood very still. "You stupid whore, where have you been?" He yelled. I could tell he was drunk, it hung heavily on his breath.

He raised his hand to strike me, but the next thing I knew, I was over him, my heel grinding down on his throat. I didn't feel like me. I laughed menacingly and pushed harder on his esophagus. He tried to push my foot off, but to no avail, he gave up and waited for me to kill him. I wanted to, and almost did, until someone pulled me off and enveloped me into a deep embrace.

I knew this wasn't a foreign body, but it wasn't one I felt in a long time. My father held me back and cried into the top of my head. "I was afraid you were dead. I am so happy your alive."


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