Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Slowly opening her eyes, Kimberley couldn’t help but smile. Cheryl had left her position between her thighs, crawled back up her body and was now propped up on all fours grinning down at her.

“Did ya like that baby?” she asked softly, leaning down to place a sexy kiss on Kim’s mouth.
“Mmmmmm. It was incredible.” Kimberley hummed contently, tasting herself on Cheryl’s lips and tongue as they fell into a slow, sensual rhythm once more. Finally, and gasping slightly for air, Cheryl pulled away and kissed Kimberley’s forehead lightly before lowering herself down onto the bed beside her lover.

“You’re not as loud as me when you come” Cheryl mused bluntly after a few seconds of silence.
“No I’m not” Kimberley giggled. “But don’t take offence babe. I don’t think anyone could be as loud as you”.
Smiling widely in response, Cheryl got comfortable on the bed, throwing her leg casually over Kim’s and draping her arm across her stomach to stroke it lightly.
“This is all a bit surreal isn’t it?” she asked.
Kimberley simply looked at her in confusion.
“It is for me” she answered. “I’m used to seeing you on the telly and in magazines with half the nation lusting after you, and now you’re here, in my bed. But I’m just a nobody. Did you always have a secret fantasy to bed a stranger or something?” she wondered teasingly.
“Maybe” Cheryl giggled giving Kimberley a playful wink. “But seriously though babe, if you think that you were a stranger to me the night I knocked over the drinks then you’re wrong. I’ve had my eye on you for a while now!”
“What?!” Kimberley exclaimed. She had never spoken to Cheryl before she had arrived at her apartment door two days ago, and she didn’t really think Cheryl to be the theatre-going kind of girl, so it perplexed her as to how she could possibly have known who she was, let alone fancy her!

Nice one Chez! You’ve walked into this one! Cheryl scolded herself. Now you’re gonna look like a right weirdo!
“Eh… well….” She began hesitantly before being cut off completely by the sound of her phone ringing. Saved by the bell! She thought to herself.

As Kimberley watched her rummage through her bag, discarding various items of disinterest along the way, she cursed whoever it was calling but smiled inwardly at the thought of Cheryl fancying her since before they had even met.  She knew Cheryl could have anyone she wanted, male or female. She was, after all, the most desired woman in Britain. But, yet, she wanted her. Sighing in content pleasure, she relaxed back into her pillow as Cheryl found her mobile and lifted it to her ear.

“Hello?” she answered grinning cheekily at Kimberley, knowing that she had gotten off the hook with that conversation.
“Cheryl?” a familiar male voice spoke. “Where the hell are you?”
She paused for a moment, confused at what he could mean. Then it hit her.
“Sh*t! Simon! I totally forgot about the meeting! F*ck!”
“Oh great” Simon groaned in response. “Well, we’re all here waiting so….” He trailed off.
“Ten minutes!” she assured him. “I’ll be there in ten minutes! Less than that …5 minutes!”
“You bloody well better be” she heard him say before the line went dead.

“Bollocks!” Cheryl exclaimed turning to face Kimberley. “Babe, I’ve got to run. I completely forgot about my meeting with Simon”
Kimberley pouted and shook her head as if forbidding her to leave the bedroom.
“I’m so sorry!” Cheryl frowned grabbing her underwear from the floor and pulling it on in haste. And she was sorry. The last thing Cheryl wanted to do was leave Kimberley’s bed for a boring meeting.
Seeing her obvious guilt at leaving, Kimberley’s pout softened.
“It’s okay babe” she reassured her new girlfriend. “I’ve got rehearsals in two hours anyway so I would have been throwing you out soon enough” she teased.
“It’s that right?” Cheryl grinned glancing quickly at Kimberley before returning to her task.
“God, I wish we didn’t have to have jobs!” Kimberley sighed dramatically.
“I know! Being a grown-up is crap!” Cheryl agreed. “But there are some perks to being an adult though, I’m sure” she contemplated.
“Oh yeah? What would they be?” Kimberley asked innocently as she drew back the sheet protecting her modesty.

As Cheryl’s eyes fell on her beautiful body, her breasts, her hips, her legs, she licked her lips and cursed her damn job once again.

“How bout I pick you up from rehearsals later and I’ll show you” she exhaled strongly, still staring at Kimberley’s naked form, every ounce of willpower being exhausted in order to make it to her meeting.
“Okay” Kimberley giggled, happy at the obvious effect she was having on the Geordie. “Half seven okay with you?
“Perfect” Cheryl smiled knowing how obvious she was making her desires but having no intentions of stemming them in any way, shape or form. Grabbing her bag, she started towards the bedroom door.
“Oi!” she heard Kimberley exclaim. Turning back towards the bed, she expected to have left something behind but instead saw Kimberley rise from the bed and stroll casually over to her in all her naked glory. Grabbing Cheryl firmly by the waist with one arm, Kimberley’s other hand immediately tangled roughly in her hair as she kissed her passionately. Pulling away, she pecked her lips again lightly before patting her firmly on the backside.
“Now you can go” she said.
Blushing slightly, Cheryl gave Kimberley’s hand a quick squeeze. “See ya later sexy” she almost whispered before disappearing out the door.

Flopping back down onto her bed, Kimberley pondered the last couple of days. Two days ago, to be precise, she had been a single girl with a crush on a famous person. There must be thousands of people the exact same as her all over London. Except now she was different. Now, the object of her crush was her girlfriend. And the more she thought about it… Cheryl’s eagerness to pursue her, their romantic date, the passion they had shared just moments ago… the more she was sure that her little crush was turning into something much more.

Christ! she thought standing up again. I need some coffee! ...Or maybe something stronger…

As she filled her mug with the hot caffeinated liquid, Kimberley heard the front door open and shut again. Walking through to the living room, she arrived just in time to see Nicola, Sarah and Nadine cautiously enter the apartment again.

“Is it safe?” Nicola asked Kimberley, a look of genuine concern plastered across her face.
“Huh?” Kimberley mumbled, her thoughts still happily full of her earlier realization.
Scanning the room, Nicola confirmed that Cheryl had left and Kimberley was alone. “Never mind” she replied before asking “So, how was the rest of your morning?” A wry smile formed on her face as she spoke.
“It was fine” Kim answered vaguely. “Where did you three get to?”
“Oh we just went to buy Nadine another present for her birthday” Nicola told her, glancing sideways at her friends.
“Ah that was nice of you two. What did you get her?”
“Ear plugs” Sarah chipped in trying to keep a straight face but before long the three were in fits of giggles much to Kimberley’s confusion.

 “Have you lot been at the alcohol cupboard again?” she wondered.
“Firstly,” Sarah began, “I don’t reckon there’s much left in that cupboard after last night.”
“Probably right there” Kimberley agreed. Her hangover was testament to that.
“And secondly, you can’t honestly stand there and pretend like you don’t know what we’re on about!” she finished, facing Kimberley with her hands on her hips like a school teacher about to tell her off.
“Honestly babe! I haven’t got a monkey’s what you mean!”

“Ooohh Kimberley!” Nicola moaned.
“Kimberley! Oh my God Kimberley!” Sarah joined in.
“Oh yeah Kim! Give it to me!” Nadine yelled at the top of her lungs.
“Ooohh Kimmy baby” Sarah offered again.

Kimberley suddenly felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “Oh my God” she whispered quietly raising her hands to cover her embarrassment. Peeking out between her fingers, she looked at the three gigglers.

“You heard us?” she asked, hoping beyond hope that she had misunderstood and they were laughing at something that wasn’t related to her and Cheryl having sex.
“It was kind of hard not to babe” Nadine answered, her look of amusement now tinged with sympathy for her best friend’s shame. “But we didn’t hear that much. We left right away” she reassured trying to limit the damage.
“Speaking of leaving right away…” Kimberley said, standing from her chair. This was just too embarrassing. She had to get out of that living room! “I have to get ready for work” she announced.
As she made her quick exit, the sound of the three girls’ laughter rang in her ears.
“See ya Kimmy baby” she heard Sarah shout after her as the three erupted in fits of laughter again.

Sitting down on the edge of her bed, her head fell into her hands once again. Kimmy baby? she mused. That certainly hadn’t come out of Cheryl’s mouth…Had it? I mean, yeah, they had both got kind of caught up in the moment but surely she hadn’t called her Kimmy baby! Wherever Sarah had gotten it from anyway, Kimberley was sure she wouldn’t be living this one down anytime soon.

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