Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

“You two should go on Strictly!” Kim laughed as Cheryl came bounding back to the table with a very out of breath Louis Walsh in tow. At the time, agreeing to dance with the young Geordie had seemed like a fantastic idea but soon into the overenergetic dance tune, he was really regretting his decision.

“I don’t know how you keep up with her Kimberley!” he puffed as he flopped back into his seat causing the two girls to share a knowing giggle. They both knew that neither of them ever had trouble keeping up.

 As Louis sat down next to her, Dannii slid his drink closer to him. “Here Shakira, you’ll need this to keep you going for the next dance” she teased before all three girls burst out laughing at the look of horror on Louis’ face.

Turning to Kim, Cheryl examined her face for signs of discomfort. “You alright now baby?” she asked, brushing a few stray hairs back into place.

“I’m fine hun” she nodded. “Like I said, I’m just not used to all that madness. Don’t worry though, I’m having a really good night”.

Happy with her answer, Cheryl smiled before kissing her softly. “I love you, you know” she whispered softly, aware of Louis and Danni’s presence and that of the people all around them.

“I know baby” Kim whispered in return. “I love you more” Having captured her girlfriend’s lips once again, Kimberley was forced to pull away by a rude interruption.

“Christ, it’s like a love fest over here”

Both girls looked up to see Simon standing over them, his tone heavy with mock irritation but his expression pleasant. “Get a room” he added jovially before taking up the empty chair beside Louis, who was still gasping for air. “You know there’s a photographer in here don’t you?”

“Aye” Cheryl nodded before adding. “It’s nothing they wouldn’t have got on the red carpet on the way in. Anyway aren’t they supposed to be taking proper photos? Posed ones, I mean, for Hello!”

Simon nodded as he tilted his head in the direction of an oncoming photographer. “Speak of the devil” he grumbled.

“Louis, Cheryl, can I have you two over by the bar with Alexandra and JLS. A few pics of the winner and runner up with their judges”

Nodding, Cheryl rose to her feet. “Simon you can come too....oh didn’t have an act in the final two last time!” she teased grinning cheekily at him.

“Neither did Dannii and she’s going” he counter-attacked somewhat weakly as he gestured to the Australian judge setting off after the photographer.

“Oh I’m just going to look on in jealousy. You’re welcome to join me” Dannii joked knowing that that would be Simon’s personal idea of hell.

Giggling wildly at Danni’s teasing of their boss, Cheryl turned back to Kimberley.  “Will you be alright here babe?” she asked.

“Course she‘ll be alright” Simon answered for her. “She can fill me in on how she puts up with you!”

Glancing away from Kimberley who was obviously happy to stay with Simon, she stuck her tongue out at him before following behind Louis and the photographer.

“Cheeky cow” Simon joked winking at Kimberley. “They’ll love that side of her in the states. As for her accent though, I’m starting to think we’ll need to get her elocution lessons so the Americans will understand her!” he laughed.

Kimberley was confused. Placing her drink back down on the table in front of her, she looked questioningly at Simon. “What do you mean?” she asked, getting the feeling that she was missing out on something.

“When Cheryl moves to America for the deal” he stated simply, picking up his own drink and taking a sip before he realised the look of complete bewilderment on Kimberley’s face.

“What deal?” she managed to spit out before a familiar body sat beside her again.

“Louis wanted to change first. He said his shirt was weaty from dancing!” the Geordie informed the pair with a exaggerated grimmace, before adding a theatrical “Ewwww!” for effect. Noticing the tense atmosphere she looked from a slightly flushed Simon to a very pale Kimberley before realising that both sets of eyes were on her.

“What’s going on?” she barely managed to get out before Kimberley spoke.

“When were you going to tell me?” she asked, her voice calm but heavy with emotion.

“About what babe?” Cheryl asked, genuinely confused at the situation.

“About America”

Cheryl froze like a deer caught in the headlights, her heart punding in her ears and her stomach falling into her shoes.

“ don’t understand....” she stammered, looking Simon for backup, only to find him staring at his shoes.

“Have you beeen offered a deal in America?” Kimberely asked simply.


“And you’ve thought about it?” she interrupted, quite unsure of where this confidence was coming from when it felt like her world was coming apart at the seams.

“Kimberley....I didn’t...It just came from nowhere...I...”

“Cheryl!” she stopped her, her voice raising as she struggled to keep control of her emotions. “Did you contemplate going to work in America, even for a second, without coming and talking to me?”

Cheryl merely sighed, tears forming in her eyes. She hadn’t really thought about it. She had thought about how great an opportunity it would be, yes, but she hadn’t seriously considered leaving Kimberley.

Taking her  silence as confirmation of her betrayal, Kimberley stood.

“I think I understand perfectly”

Turning her back on the Geordie, she started for the door.

“Kimberley, where are you going?” Cheryl called, following behind her as Simon remained at the table. As Kimberley turned back to face her, Cheryl almost shivered from the coldness in her eyes.

“I need to be as far away from you as possible”

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