Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“Oh my God babe! Look at you!” Cheryl shrieked bounding towards the laptop in front of her.

Giggling softly, Kimberley smiled at the combined look of surprise and joy on her lover’s face before greeting her with an affectionate “Hi there beautiful”.

As she saw Cheryl struggle to voice the hundred questions she obviously had swimming around in her mind, she decided to just go ahead and explain.

“I guessed that we’d probably have trouble finding time to talk while I’m away” she began, “So, I asked Nads to set up this web cam”.

Still stunned but grinning now like some sort of loon, Cheryl nodded enthusiastically for her girlfriend to continue.

“I didn’t think it would take three weeks to set up though!” Kimberley continued extra loudly causing Nadine, who had been eavesdropping outside with the other two, to reenter the room in mock outrage and huddle behind Cheryl at the web cam she had positioned on the rim of the laptop.

“Ok so I’m nat the most technically minded!” she defended. “Do I strike you as being a computer geek?!”

“Course not” Kim laughed. “This is amazing Nads. Thanks babe. So, what have I missed tonight?”

“Nat much” Nadine answered. “We’ve just had lots of wine and grilled Cheryl as to her intentions with you!” she said laughing.

Still eavesdropping, Sarah couldn’t help herself. “She said you’re the best shag she ever had Kimba!” she yelled from the doorway, Nicola struggling to no avail to pull her back outside.

Laughing loudly at the commotion she could hear but not see, Kimberley turned her attention back to her girlfriend. “So, Miss Tweedy, is this true what you’ve been saying about me to my closest friends?” she teased. Cheryl simply blushed giving a mortified look to Nadine.

“I…er…well…” she stammered meekly.

“Em, I think this is my cue to leave you two alone” Nadine giggled before giving Cheryl a good luck squeeze and helping Nicola get Sarah back outside. Closing the door behind them, the two lovers were finally alone. Even if they were still separated by thousands of miles and a computer screen.

“I can’t believe I’m getting to see you right now” Cheryl finally spoke up as she touched the picture of her girlfriend on the screen affectionately. “I’m missin you so much baby” she said softly, aware that the girls could still be listening outside the bedroom door.

Touched by the confession, Kimberley couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. “I’ve got news!” she announced pausing for Cheryl’s reaction.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” she joked.

“Well, unless you need to tell me something... then… no”

“Go on then!” the Geordie laughed.

“Well,” she started. “There are maintenance problems at the theatre in Bangkok so….I’ll be home this Sunday instead of next Sunday!”

“Oh no babe! That’s awful!” Cheryl complained causing Kimberley’s face to fall.

“I thought you’d be happy I was coming home” she said quietly, clearly upset at her girlfriend’s objection to her return.

“Don’t be daft!” Cheryl soothed. “Of course I’m happy you’re coming home! I’m delighted babe! It’s just terrible that your trip is being cut short that’s all. You were really looking forward to the whole thing”

“Well it’s not as bad as it sounds” Kim explained. “The company said they’ll try and reschedule for later in the year so we’ll still probably get to do it”

Mulling this response over for a few moments, Cheryl nodded slowly. Kimberley would still get to do all her shows and she would get to see her in just a few days! It was the best of both worlds.

“Just so you know though babe,” she informed her girlfriend seriously, “You’ll be taking me with you next time! I’ve never missed somebody so much in my whole life! I don’t think I could go this long again without you!”

“Awww” Kim smiled. “Are you lonely honey?”

“Yes!” Cheryl exclaimed without hesitation. “If it wasn’t for Nadine and the other girls distracting me from my misery I’d have cracked up by now!”

Kimberley smiled at the thoughtfulness of her friends. She had had no doubt that they’d look after Cheryl for her but, she supposed, it was undeniably cute that Cheryl had missed her so much.

“Only three more days now baby” she told her girlfriend, “Then I’m all yours again”

“That sounds good to me” Cheryl smiled before adding “I’ll collect you from the airport”.

“Great. I’ll have to text you the times later though because I don’t have my itinerary handy”.

“Speaking of airports” the blonde continued checking the time, an apologetic grimace adorning her lips, “I’ve got to go. We’re heading to Tokyo for the last two nights”.

 Looking up slowly from her watch, she was met by chocolate puppy dog eyes and a matching pout.

“Don’t go” the Geordie whimpered to an exasperated sigh from Kimberley. “Aw, don’t make me feel any worse than I already do Cheryl!”

“Only messin” she apologized. “Well, not really. But I know you have to go” she corrected, earning a grateful smile from her girlfriend. “I can’t wait to see ya on Sunday…ya know…in the flesh!” Cheryl laughed reaching out to stroke the screen once more.

“Me neither” Kimberley smiled. “I love you Cheryl”

“I love you Kimberley”.

And having given her girlfriend an air kiss and the cutest of waves, Kimberley was gone again.

Cheryl sat with a smile gracing her lips for the longest of moments before a cold chill caused her to shudder. Looking to the window, she noticed it had been open the whole time but it was only now she was feeling it. It was funny…even from miles away, once she had some sort of contact with Kimberley; it was almost as good as being in her arms again. Now that she was gone, it was cold again.

Standing to close the window, a dark item of clothing on the floor caught her attention. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was Kimberley’s Les Mis hoody. That girl is obsessed she laughed raising the sweater to her face and inhaling her scent deeply.

Pulling it over her head, she thought about how ridiculous it must have looked with the dress she was wearing but she didn’t care. Right now she just wanted to feel close to her lover again.


“I wonder what’s taken Chezza so long?” Nicola wondered aloud to her friends. “She’s been in there ages!”

“They’re probably having web cam sex”


“What?! You heard them after your birthday Nadine! Them two have got no control!”

Nadine reached for the wine again. “I’m gonna need another drink if we’re going to be talking about my best friend shagging her girlfriend!” she sighed. “Via the internet!”

“It’s kind of hot if you think about it”


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