Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“A proposition?” Cheryl questioned, her eyebrows raised, her mind racing.

“Is this why he wanted me to stay? So he could talk me into bed or something?... Christ! I thought we were friends!... And he knows I have a girlfriend!... But what if he threatens to sack me if I say no?! …Oh God! What the f*ck am I gonna do now?...!!”

“Calm down” Simon chuckled as if reading her panicked thoughts. “I mean a business proposition”

“Oh” she said, relief washing over her, followed by embarrassment as she realized how ridiculous her initial thoughts had been. Clearing her throat, she straightened up in her chair and faced Simon. “Well, obviously you meant a business proposition” she shrugged blushing slightly. “I’m not thick like”

“No you’re not Cheryl” Simon agreed his face deadly serious. “You’re cleverer than people give you credit for and you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. And when you commit to a project you always give a hundred and ten percent”

“Er…thanks?” she accepted, a little bewildered by his random pep talk. She felt like a contestant on the X Factor not a judge!

“That’s why when my partners in America asked if I knew of any fresh young artists who would be determined enough to break the American market I told them I knew just the girl”

“Really?” she gasped in amazement. “Do you think Alexandra’s at a high enough standard already?”

Simon sighed. She wasn’t thick but God, she could act like it sometimes! “Don’t be daft Cheryl!”

“Sorry, I’m just being honest! I mean, it’s only been a couple of months since she won the show but if you feel….”

“Cheryl!” Simon interrupted in frustration. “I’m talking about you!”


“Kimberley, you totally didn’t need to bring us home anything from your trip!” Nicola squealed as she held her brand new Jimmy Choo handbag. “But I’m sooooo glad you did!” she giggled.

“Yeah Kimbo!” Sarah agreed examining hers with joy. These are flippin’ amazing!”

“Glad you like them” she beamed. She always preferred giving presents to getting them. “I saw lots of nice little Asian trinkets on my travels but when I saw designer handbags at such low prices, I thought of you three!” she laughed.

“This is going in beside the Prada one Cheryl got me for my birthday!” Nadine exclaimed kissing Kimberley’s cheek by way of thanks. “And speaking of Cheryl….what did you get her? A Jimmy Choo bag too?”

“No” Kim laughed. “She’s probably got a thousand of them already! Her gift is a little more….”

“Kinky?” Sarah guessed finishing Kimberley’s sentence for her.

“No! You’ve got a filthy mind Harding!” she scolded teasingly. “What I was going to say…before I was rudely interrupted…” she grinned “was that Cheryl’s gift is slightly more sentimental



Cheryl scrunched her nose up in confusion at Simon’s remark. “You want me to go to America to sing?”

“Sing, dance, judge other talent….all the things you do here” he explained. “You’re the full package Cheryl!” Now he was starting to sound like Louis!

Cheryl sat silently for a moment struggling to collect her thoughts. It was proving difficult and she was really beginning to regret the 6 mojitos she had sunk in the few preceding hours!

“Let me just get this straight Simon…” she began, meeting him eye to eye. “You want me to go to live...forever?”

“Well for the foreseeable future anyway” he nodded. “Obviously, if, after a few years, it’s not something that you’re interested in anymore, then you could come home but if you’re going to make a go of it, a real go, then you would need to make a lengthy commitment”

“A few years…” she said in a shocked half whisper and, as silence washed over her once more, Simon seized the opportunity to sell his idea.

“You’d get to work with the best songwriters and producers in the business and with my contacts in the entertainment industry; I can guarantee you the best PR money can buy. They want something new Cheryl. Something fresh. That something is you.”

Cheryl shrugged her shoulders in confusion. “There’s just so much to take in…” she trailed off exhaling heavily. Sensing her bafflement, Simon rose from his seat.

“Well look kid; I’m not looking for an answer tonight or anything. It’s a great opportunity but I appreciate that it’s a big decision. Don’t let it spoil your night. Now, I’ll go get us some more drinks eh?”

As she watched Simon stroll towards the bar, she allowed herself to think about what it would be like. Music was her passion and the American market held the greatest opportunities for success. And the biggest risk of failure. Quickly shaking that thought from her mind, she remembered that Simon had promised the best songwriters and producers and great PR. He seemed to have thought of everything.

Everything except Kimberley.

But, he was right. There was no need to rush into making any decisions. She would just put it out of her mind for the rest of the night and enjoy her drinks. It seemed, however, the more she tried to ignore it, the more she heard Simon’s voice echoing in her head.

“They want something new Cheryl. Something fresh. That something is you.”…

She knew she had a lot to think about.

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