Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Glancing up from the lengthy menu of overpriced food, Kimberley lifted her wine glass to her lips and looked at her girlfriend thoughtfully. In a moment of sweet spontaneity, Cheryl had turned up unannounced at the theatre to surprise Kimberley after her rehearsals and had whisked her off for a romantic meal at a very exclusive restaurant, much to the jealousy of all of her cast mates. Kimberley was only too grateful that she had worn something decent to rehearsals that day as Cheryl had insisted that going home to change would, as she put it, “ruin the moment!” 

Now, sitting across the table from her stunning Geordie princess, the single candle in the centre of the table casting a flickering glow upon her olive skin, she was glad they had come straight here. Every moment with someone as beautiful and thoughtful as Cheryl was a blessing. She had realized that even more during her time away. And, although days like yesterday, when they had stayed in bed all morning and afternoon, making love over and over regardless of Cheryl’s hangover, were indeed very special to her; she also valued moments when they could be together in public places, simply sharing their lives, doing all the things normal couples do. Without the pressures of fame.

Thinking back to their shared passion the previous day made her blush slightly and she smiled inwardly when she thought of Cheryl diving under the covers for the third or fourth time but, remembering the events that had followed after Cheryl had left, her smile quickly faded. Her brows furrowing, she looked to her girlfriend again.

“We really do need to keep the volume down when Nadine’s in the flat babe” she sighed. “She really wasn’t impressed with me when she came back last night. And, of course, you were nowhere to be seen so I got told off all on my own!”

“I was at a meeting!” Cheryl scoffed with a giggle. “It’s not like I just abandoned you to face the music!” she laughed. “And besides, it’s not like Nadine’s gonna kick you out or anything”

“I know that” Kimberley said, her frown deepening. “I just don’t want to upset anything, ya know? It can’t be nice for her to hear us at it!”

“What? Us two sexy young things?” Cheryl joked. “She could hear worse than that babe”

Sighing again, Kimberley mockingly gave her girlfriend a tired look “You’re not helping Cheryl”

Realizing that, although she had kept her tone light, Kimberley was actually troubled by the situation, Cheryl took her girlfriend’s hand in her own across the table and stroked it lightly.

“Ok, I’m sorry babe” she conceded before winking at her playfully. “We’ll just have to spend more nights at my place won’t we?”

Happy that Cheryl had acknowledged her point but still sensing that she wasn’t going to tame her libido in any way, shape, or form; Kim just smiled before leaning over and placing a small but sweet kiss on her girlfriend’s soft cheek before moving to her waiting lips.

But Cheryl had other things on her mind. Sighing in discontentment, she pulled reluctantly away. “Kimberley, I need to talk to you about something”

Running a finger over her smudged lip gloss, Kimberley took no notice of Cheryl’s nervous tone. “What is it angel?”

Pausing for a moment, Cheryl’s mind stumbled over the best way to say it. She probably should have practiced it or something but, now, faced with the moment, she decided it best to just come out and say it. Taking a deep breath, she looked Kimberley directly in the eye.

“Now, don’t get upset babe but… Simon wants me to go to………..FUCKIN HELL!” she screamed as a large jug of ice cold water came tumbling into her lap.

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