• T W O • (edited)

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I've sat on the bed for what seemed like hours. I heard voices from outside the door. Id occasionally cry for help and I tried to leave the room. Which resulted in me getting escorted back by a trooper. Then kylo entered into the room.

"Just look at me," he begged while taking his mask off and sitting by me once again. He grabbed my hand and places it on his cheek. A few tears slipped from my eyes as I looked at him. He gently wiped them off with his thumb.

"I won't hurt you," he said.

"But you said you're a killer, you said that you should kill me. You have no feelings," I said.

"I don't. But when I see you. I just want you in my arms and protect you. I guess you could say I'm quite possessive. I want you. You make me feel something that I've never felt before. Love," he said.

"But you don't know me," I said.

"I know more than you think."

"I don't love you."

"I love you," he said emphasizing you.

"I. Hate. You," I said through gritted teeth.

"Don't say that," he said with anger.

"I hate you," I said once again.

"You don't hate me! You love me!" He screamed.

"Go away! You don't even know what love is!" I screamed while pushing him away from me.

"This is my room!" He said in a bit softer time than before.

"Fine! Then I'll leave!" I screamed and got up. He quickly followed me and grabbed my by the wrist.

"No," he said coldly.

"Don't touch me then. Don't even look at me," I said. He stood there dumbfounded.

"DONT LOOK AT ME!" I screamed and shoved my face into my hands.

"I love you okay?" He said.

"I hate you," I answered.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.


"I've noticed you don't eat much. That's not healthy. But you need to eat, especially if you're going to be carrying my children," he added.

"I'm not hungry, and I'm not going to have your demon spawn."

"I hate raising my voice towards you. But you will eat even if I have to shove it down your throat."

"Touch me and I will go take a bath in bleach," I said.

"Victoria. You're going to eat," he ordered.

"Okay. What ever dad," I said and rolled my eyes.

"You sure know how to test my patience," he said with a smirk.

"Bite me," I added.

"Don't test me," Kylo smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Victoria don't be so stubborn. Relax a bit," he smiled.

"Kylo, please stop. You're not going to make me smile. You're going to make me feel worse. I'm going to look at you and see a monster who destroyed my life. I'm sorry but i don't love you and I don't think I ever will," I said and looked down at the floor.

"I understand you may see that right now, but your mind will change," he added. I sighed and took another bite of my sandwich.

"I know you enjoy painting. Would you like to paint? I have a bunch of canvases and paints. Would you enjoy that?" he asked softly.

"sure," I quietly said and continued to eat the sandwich. He got up from his seat, causing me to flinch.  He went to a chest that sat in the corner of the room and pulled out brushes, along with paints and a large canvas. He looked at me and noticed I was watching every moment he made, and he smiled at me.

"Here you go," he said and placed the objects on the bed.  I placed my napkin on the plate and he chuckled.

"See. That wasn't so bad," kylo said.

"I'm done eating now," I said and he gave me an odd look, "don't do that. It makes you look ugly."

"Are you implying that I'm not ugly?" He asked.

"No you're not ugly," I said.

"Am I attractive?"

"Some women might think you are but I don't," I lied.

"Well. You're gonna have to get use to this face," he said with a smile.

"Well I guess I better get use to sleeping in a guest room," I said.

"Nope you're sleeping with me," he said.



"I'll stab you in the throat and laugh as you bleed to death," I said and his facial expression was priceless.

"My ghost will haunt you for all of eternity," he said.

"Oh dear, now I don't want that. Continue living," I said.

"Sir," a stormtrooper said while walking in.

"My dearest. I am afraid I must leave you alone once agian," Kylo said before grabbing my hand and  placing a kiss on it.

"Kay. Bye!" I said whole wanting to rummage through his belongings. I pushed him out of the room and giggled. Time to be curious, which might get me into trouble, oh well...

Possessive  *Star Wars/ Kylo Ren* BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now