Eight (Edited)

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I woke up all alone. My muscles ached from last night. I got up and took a cold shower. Cause that's what you do when muscles ached. Right?

I just finished dressing  my body when kylo walked in.  I came out of the bathroom and walked towards him.

I attempted to place a kiss on his cheek but he turned around.

"Are you going to ignore me  every time we do or get close to doing something like that?" I asked. No response.

"Kylo answer me," I said with frustration. I turned him around and he just looked down.

"Whatever," I said while letting him go. He left the room again. I sat on the couch and started to cry. He frustrates me so bad. Is he bipolar? One second he's touchy feelie and next he is ignoring me. I should give up on him. But I can't. Well. Because I love him.


"I want to go home," I said as kylo walked through the doors once again.

"This is your home," he said.

"This home? No. Home is where you're with someone who loves you and makes you feel good about yourself. Like my cat!" I said. 

"Victoria Dawn. This is your home," he said and looked into my eyes.

"Then tell me you actually felt something last night," I said.

"Yes I felt something."

"What did you feel?"

"I felt loved," he said.

"Are you sure, cause I feel like you don't love me," I said.

"Don't say that!" He shouted.

"Don't yell at me!" I shouted back. He sat on the couch and started to cry. I went over to him and pulled him into a hug. He then laid on my lap and kissed my hand.

"I don't deserve you," he cried.

"Hey don't say that. Every one deserves love," I said and kissed his forehead, "get some rest my love."

"I don't need rest," he said.

"Okay okay. Well tell me about your past," I said and his body tensed up.

"I-I can't," he answered.

"I guess we can save that for another day," I said and he smiled.

Kylo's POV

Victoria decided to take a nap. I hate keeping her caged up In here. But it's for her own safety.

"Mmm how long was I asleep for?" Victoria asked quietly.

"A hour my dear," I said and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Why do I sleep all day," she asked.

"Cause when you get bored, you get tired," I answered.


"Go get dressed," I said and she got up to do what she was told.

"Let's go for a walk," I said and she smiled. I laced my fingers with her and we left my room.

"This is where the stormtroopers train," I said as I showed her around once again.  Her smile could make anyone smile. She is absolutely gorgeous. And she is mine.

All mine.
No one else will have her.
She is the light in the darkness.
She is my queen.

"I love you," I said. Her body tensed up. Was that too soon? I mean I told her I loved her before but that caused her to flip out. I do love her. I love her. I would do anything for her. Kill, fight, and protect her. Anything.

"Kylo. I," she said and I placed a hand on her cheek.

"I understand," I said. Do I truly understand what she is feeling? Is she still frightened? Do I still scare her? I don't think i will truly understand her feelings. And I don't want to listen to her thoughts because I want her to know that I trust her and I want her to trust me.

Does she trust me?

Do I even trust myself?

I don't even know anymore.

She has made me soft. But hard. On so many different levels.

Possessive  *Star Wars/ Kylo Ren* BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now