Six (Edited)

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"Kylo," I said.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"I'm not tired," I said and laid in the bed.

"Sir," another trooper said.

"Oh my hell!" I said and threw my hands up.

"Go away!" Kylo said.

"Sir," the trooper said again and I threw a pillow at him.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed.

"Sir," the trooper said again.

"Go!" Kylo said and the trooper left.

"Fucking hell," I said and threw another pillow at kylo.

"Would you like me to fuck you to hell? Or?" Kylo asked.

"YOU PIG!" I screeched.

"I'm kidding," he laughed.

"You are terrible," I said and threw another pillow at him. He stared at me dumbfounded and I laughed at him. He then jumped on the bed onto me.

"Kylo," I said out of breath. He kissed my cheek and then my neck. I tried to hold in my moan but obviously that didn't work. He then bit and licked my sweet spot earning another moan.  He continued to kiss me and I felt him against my leg. I know that I've been with him for one day. But this feels so right. Kylo stopped kissing and got up.

"Fuck," he said while leaving me completely confused with what just happened. I got up and looked into the mirror and say a hickey starting to form on my collar bone. I couldn't help but smile at the though of me actually loving him. I got up and left the room and followed him.

"Kylo!" I shouted and he stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Go back to the room," he ordered.

"No. I finally let you love me and then you leave. What the hell?" I said.

"We will talk about this later. Now go back before someone sees you," he said and shoved me towards the room. We were outside of the door and I smacked him across he face.

"Fuck. You." I said before he left me. This is honestly the worst thing I could ever do. Let him in and let him play with my feelings. That manipulative bastard! I don't want to do this. I can't do this. I refuse! I will not be here for his on entertainment. I went and grabbed out my painting supplies and started to paint. I have to kill time somehow. I am a prisoner here. I want to leave. But I can't. I am stuck here in this room like a rabid animal, just waiting to die. Slowly dying. 

Tears stained my cheeks as I painted my old village with my family standing in front of it. My dear baby brothers and baby sister. Ma and pa... They're gone now. Just another set of bones to lay to rest. Maybe its for the best. I saw the way pa struggled to support us. How ma and him argued every night about what we were suppose to eat the next day. How my siblings were thin from the days we didn't have food. None of us complained. That was the way of life. We had poor people and rich people. No in between. The rich took all our money and promised to keep it safe, but kept it for their own needs. 

Stop it. Stop crying. They're gone. It's your fault. If you wouldn't have ran. Your fault. Everything is your fault. I let out a scream and dropped the paint. i collapsed to my knees and started to cry. Everything. Is. Your. Fault...

Possessive  *Star Wars/ Kylo Ren* BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now