Merry Christmas

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To day was christmas i decide to spend it alone with me and my son....

I walk downstairs with him on my side "look what santa brung you" "yaaay he screamed in happiness

Kaden is all i got just me and him.... I giggled i snap a pic of him and posted it on instagram

#merrychristmas hope yall have an blessed christmas cause me and Kaden will✊

I heard the door bell ring now i dont got time for christmas carols this year they stay singing until i get them some damn pudding like damn nigga

I opened the door and they all bust inside my house letting the cold breeze hit my face i was actually happy to see the whole family including Aden....

And augusts nieces i hug kay shay maya "hey girls"

"Hey auntie...where kaden"

"In the living room they ran inside

"Hey yall" hug all of them tightly

"Hey baybeh " moma shelia kissed me as she put the turkey on the table we set the whole table up and began eatting

And talking until august came with the bitch idek why he still comes around me....

"Hey moma" he kissed her he dap aden chris and wegi and he kissed kaden head

Sarah laughed a little lookn at the girl face i step on her foot causing her to gasp

Then we smiled at each other its been a good 3 weeks ole girl still got this bruise on her cheek.

August sat next to me and his girl on the other side of sarah...

He smelle like straight colon

After eating it was persent opening time all the kids went first they loved all there toys then adults wegi walk up to me and gave me a box

"Aw wegi" i hug him tight it was a necklace with a heart it had me him aden rachel kristy sarah on it

Aden gave me an charm braclet from kays and sarah bought me some lingerie i died laughing but it was sexy

After gifts we all sat at the fireplace and made some smores

Then photography dude came and took some pics and i paid him after a while everyone agreed to stay the night without my consent... I put kaden to bed and walk to mines i layed there sleep.....

I felt arms wrap around me i knew who it was it was august i cut on my lamp

"August get out" i pointed to the door "gurl shhh you kno you like this" i rose up

"Nahh nigga i dont like this go lay up with ya girlfriend"

He smacked his teeth and started to get up he was finally gone i locked my room door and went to sleep for the rest of night i sleep in peace....

"Bye" i waved i cleaned the house and relaxed with kaden all day.

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