House fire

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August pov

I walk to her door step and ring it and knocked it was storming my house caught a fire i didnt have to go to the hospital i knocked on the door again

It was about 3 in the morning...

She finally answered the door
"August!what the hell" she sat her gun down and pulled me in

"What happened" she rub her eyes

"My house caught a fire somehow and i need some place to stay and moma dont have room anymore since she placed an indoor gym as the guest room....and your the last person i could think of."


I groaned "okay august i got another room just. ..follow me"

He got up and followed me
This the hallway bathroom i walk inside the room heres the guest room heres some soap and shampoo and a cloth "

He nodded how can he be rich and famous but dont got two houses in Atlanta ugh i swear hes gone be idiot his whole life.

"Thank you" i nodded at this praise and walk to my room and went to sleep.


I woke up to some breakfast sitting on my dresser. I grab the plate it smelled good so i dug in after i was done i walk downstairs to august playing with laylah kaden and chloe.

I somewhat smiled from this view. I cleaned my plate and walk to the living room

"Hey moma baybehs" i cooed talk them "hey moma look chloe bark today" he smiled in excitement

"Goo!" laylah yelled i laughed and august. As kaden played with his train i talk to august

"So august how long your staying" i could tell i hit a nerve

"Mane look imma try and be outta hea before the month over so you wont have to suffer"

"I dont have a problem with you stayn" i said in all honesty

"Yea right...this one time i really need you your not here"

"August i needed you plenty of times and where were you not by my side"

"Well maybe if you just stop be stubborn" he got up walk to the kitchen and i was hot on his heels

"Stubborn really august i was always there for you but you didnt have my back when i needed you the most only just because you thought i suck dick before" i shook my head in shame

"And im ashame of myself for doing something i was uncomfortable doing but i nip it in the bud just to make you stay"

"I ask you was you uncomfortable" he defended himself

"Well i wasnt because u loved you enough to cross my line with you and your just so stubborn and stupid to realize i gave you all of me" the room got quiet.

"I didnt know"

"Yea i know ....cause you blamed me for having oral sex with other men before and you know that hurt me to the core" my voice crack knowing i was about to cry

"And everyday of my life it replayed in my mind knowing the person i loved and gave my all to questioned my loyalty and trust jusy because you over thinked" i put my face in my hands and let my tears fall

"I didnt know you felt like that kimberly" he tried touching me

I moved away " yea cause you never ask for myside of the story or even asked!" i got up walk to the living room

"Moma you gone be okay?" kaden ask me whipping my tears

"Yea moma gone be alright.....i like your train show me how it works" i changed the subject

August pov

I look at them play.....she is right i never asked how did she fill nor ask for her side of the story and i was stubborn and i think im still am and i promise ill try to change and make it up to her.

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