chapter 6

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"No you don't," the lady said. "What?" i asked. "You don't want to leave, it will be ok, and you love your mate," she said sweetly. I did I really did love him. "I-I-I do l-love him very much," I managed to get out. "That's why you want to stay," she said and faded away. In front of me were two paths. One leading to a white cloudy looking place. Another to a green beautiful forest. I wonder which one continues my life. Well nature is life and stuff so I'll try the forest. I walked down the forest path as I started to awaken.

I was in a bright white room. I looked around to see a nurse talking to someone. She looked at me relived,"We almost lost you." "Good," I mumbled. The man she was talking to walked up to me. It was the beta. I backed away from him. "What's wrong mate?" "I am not your mate!" I growled. "Wait I'm confused?" the nurse said. "Here is the story," I said," He kidnapped me from my mate!" "You're not her mate?!" the nurse asked him confused. He pulled out a gun,"If you tell anyone I will blow your brains out and make her watch." The nurse was terrified and panicked,"ok I promise just please don't shoot me please!" she pleaded and cried. Now who is going to save me. "Come on mate lets go," he said and grabbed my arm. A pain shot through my stomach and i clenched my teeth. Is my mate ok right now? I hope he is ok. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To meet our new Alpha," he said. "I hate you," i mumbled. Since we were outside in the open people around I yelled,"I hate you get away from me!" he grabbed my arm drawing attention to us,"Don't touch me you jerk!" I screamed. A built guy ran to us and pushed him off of me,"hands off the lady man, that's not cool." "Thank you," i said. "Your not in the pack are you?" he asked me. "No he kidnapped me!" I somewhat yelled. "Where did you come from?" he asked. "A pack next door I think I can't remember," I said. "I didn't kidnap you, you hit your head babe," (guys i looked and i dont know if i said what his name was but this is his new name. Sorry) Grayson said. "Stay away from me!" I screamed and backed away into the tall built man. "Guards!" the man that saved me yelled. Some built men came running in and pinned Grayson down. "Whats your name sweetheart?" the man asked me. I hissed,"It's Selena and don't call me that!" "ok ok do you remember the name of your alpha?" he asked me. I said,"Derek I think, he was my mate." "Derek?! I hated him ever since middle school! So your his mate?" well he will still give me back to Derek I hope. "Um yah, can you take me back to him? Please?" "Why should I?!" I was shocked,"He never did anything for me!" "Please he just saved me and i was suck an asshole to him but i still love him." "What do you mean by saved you?" he asked. "Well its none of your business and you won't take me to him so you don't have the right to know!" I started to walk away in a random direction. I hope this is the way. "Get your ass back here!" the man from before yelled, his footsteps getting closer. "Just, leave me alone,I've been through enough shit in my life," i almost whispered. "No your not going anywhere!" i felt arms tightly squeezing my chest. Pain went through me because of my ribs and the gunshot. I gasped in pain. I heard wolves running in the woods sounded like about 5. "Sir its the Alpha from the blood moon pack!" someone yelled. "My mate," i whispered. Five huge wolves stood in front of me and this other Alpha. The huge black wolf right in front of me had these gorgeous blue eyes. It was my mate i could tell those eyes from any other. I smiled.

Mate came to save us!!! My wolf howled in happiness. He shifted, luckily some wolves shifted with clothes on. Thank you, i prayed to the moon goddess that he did. "Let her go!" my mate growled. "Why should I seeing your the reason my mate is gone!!" 

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