Chapter 18

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"Derrik. He's um... well he's... Derrik is..."

"Just spit it out!"

"Derrik is dead!"

Dying. Death. Gone. My heart shattered. I could feel it. The serum never wore off yet. It hurts.

My vision started to fade.

Caden's POV-

She started to fall to the ground when I caught her. Her eyes were droopy. What did I do to her? If I never gave it to her this would have never happened.

When her eyes finally shut her face went pail. Everything around us began to float. The few cars that were there, trash on the ground, we were floating.

I tried to reach her but it was hard when It's zero gravity. I slowly made my way to her and tried shaking her awake.

When nothing else was working I did one thing that might get her attention.

I took out a knife and slid it across my hand.

Everything dropped.

Her perfect grey eyes that had a shine to them looking at the sky.

"I can save him."

Selena's POV-

When I was passed out the moon goddess told me I could revive the dead. But it has to be within the 10 days they die.

It takes a lot of strength to do so. And It has a chance of killing me when they come back. But to me its worth it.

"Where is Derrik?!" I questioned Dylan.

"He's is at the morgue in town."

With that I took off into the woods. I shifted to my wolf and ran In the direction of the town.

Wait up for us we are behind you Selena

I look behind me and see Derrik's black wolf and Caden's Fire wolf.

I slow down a bit to let them catch up.

As soon as I see the morgue I push my speed limit.

Don't hurt yourself doing this be careful!

I'll do this even if it kills me, it's my fault.

No it's not your fault its mine.

I felt the bond break. And the urge to help Derrik so much fade a bit.

I forced myself to go on.

How we were getting in I had no Idea.

When behind the morgue I shifted back to human.

I tried to open the back door but it was locked.

Dylan just walked to the front with me and Caden following close behind.

"Can I see my brother? Derrik Bradey."

"You are?" the lady at the front asked.

"Dylan Bradey."

I sniffed the air, she was a rogue.

"Right this way Alpha," she whispered So the humans couldn't hear her.

She led us to the room where they kept the bodies.

She led us walk in before her.

Before she could walk in I shut and locked the door behind us with my magic.

You could hear faint banging on the door.

Now all we needed to do was find Derrik's body.


It didn't take is too long since not many bodies were there.

We laid him on the ground.

His pale lifeless face, I felt a year fall down my face.

The purple bruises around his neck.

How do I do this.

I closed my eyes.

I was in a room with a man, His back facing me.

He turned around,"hello Selena."

"Dad!?" He is not my dad.

"Now that you started you either kill him or save him, you finish it now," So if I try to save him another day He will die as soon as I leave him,"you have 7 minutes."

I didn't know where to start.

I focused on rewinding before he hung himself.

A picture of Derrik hanging from a rope appeared on the wall.

I walked up to the wall, tears sliding down my cheek.

"Six minutes left!"

I focused on the picture, trying to rewind it.

I rewound it a little bit, to when he was dying.

I tried hard to make it rewind more but nothing was working.

"I always knew you were nothing but a worthless mutt!"

Rage filled me.

This is what will make me not worthless.

The picture rewound.

Derrik was walking into the closet with the noose and the chair.

"I'm sorry I never came after you, you just seemed like you never wanted to see me again."

I made the noose and the chair disappear.

"I need to go get more rope."

"1 and a half minutes left!"

Derrik appeared in the doorway.

I tried to imagine myself running In there to save him.

"30seconds left!"

I ran through the doorway when he kicked the chair.

Blood started coming out from my nose.

"Your loosing him!"

His Abused Mate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now