Chapter 15

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Here is a early update!

"Wouldn't dream of it," Caden stuck a syringe in me making everything around me fade. Its all my fault.

"Why do you just mess everything up?!"

"Why couldn't you be a normal kid?!"

"No one will ever love a worthless whore like you!"

"What's wrong princess don't remember me?"

"What would you mother think of a slutty child like you!"

"Your not worth the space you take up here!"

"You smell like caramel and chocolate..."

Everything went white.

"What is this? Am I finally dead?"

"Look for yourself!" A voice hissed at me.

The white in front of me began to get color. A picture of me in a cell was painted before me. My body was bloody and I was naked.

"Did they rape me?!"

"It's your choice if you want to go now," The once harsh voice had softened.

"I can't leave him to suffer and become depressed like I was, but I don't know how much more I can take," my body was weak I could tell, bruises and scars covered my skin,"I'm going to stay."

I woke up coughing blood. "Well looks like my little princess is finally awake," His voice was soft but one I would never trust.

I looked at my body remembering I was naked,"Did you rape me?!" The horrid Images went through my head.

"I might have," an evil smirk went upon his face.

"Please let me out I'll do anything!" I pleaded at this point I was going to do absolutely anything so I don't get hurt anymore.




Not what I had in mind.

"Why do you want me as your mate?" I was so confused, he could have kidnapped any girl and make Her his mate yet he chose me.

"You are the spitting image of my mate, and now that she is gone my wolf will do anything to get her back. She was very young when I found her. Her father the Alpha was abusing her. She stopped coming to school when she was in the 7th grade," this story sounded a lot like mine.

"Are you billy?"

"What do you know about my father!?"

"Billy, he raped me..."

"He did what?! Wait are you the girl in my story?" I nodded my head yes.

"Yeah that's my story," My story more like my life in hell.

"How did I not know?" he grabbed my hand and tingles shot through my body.

"How do I have three mates? Maybe I'm meant to be with only one of you and the other two will have another?" Three mates?! What the fuck is this hell. Why moon goddess why?!

"No wonder you looked so much like her!" he pushed me to the wall and kissed me. I instantly kissed back. I had to admit It was a really good kiss.

Guilt flooded me. This wasn't right, I was so In love with Dylan and here I am kissing another guy. I pushed Caden away.

"I can't,"I breathed.

"Why not? Were mates!" Why did I have to have three mates? Now I have to choose between them. The Alpha or the Rogue?

Being a Luna would have so many responsibilities I don't know If I could do that. If I were a rogue I would be free. I could be careless not having to serve anyone. But I sure wasn't going back to Derrik. I couldn't.

Being a Rogue sounded amazing. And I really wanted to be one. I think I'm going to.

"Your right," he then started kissing me again.

This one was a bit more rough. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied him, I didn't want to move too fast.

He then pinched me trying to get me to gasp or something. I was expecting it though.

He then started to tickle me which I did not expect. I laughed a little which was just enough for him to stick his tongue in my mouth.

We then had a tongue battle which I surprisingly won. He broke us apart to breath. And I was so out of breath. That was the best kiss of my life.

"Come on, we need to go somewhere more private," He took me to What I assumed was his room. The bed had blood red sheets on it and the walls were grey and black.

Next thing I knew he had threw me onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

He started to kiss my neck which made me moan a bit. He have me no warning when I felt his teeth sink into my neck.

His Abused Mate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now