Chapter 19

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Before we start this chapter I want to say sorry for the long long wait school just started when the lady chapter was posted and I never had time but enough with the excuses I will try to publish another chapter this weekend sorry!


"30 seconds left!"

I ran through the doorway when he kicked the chair.

Blood started coming out from my nose.

"Your loosing him!"

I saved him.

I opened my eyes.

Derrik coughed for a minute.

He opened his eyes confused.

He looked around the room in shock, he looked at me.

"Your alive!?"

"Yeah I am. Why did you do it?"

"I thought he killed you!"



"My mate?"

He touched my skin and nothing about it was special.

"If you wanted to hurt me Caden then good Job, I feel like I lost my actual mate."

He got up and walked away.

I just saved his life and he fucking walked away.

"Do you need a tissue?" Caden asked.


"You nose, it's bleeding," he said pointing to my nose.

"Oh yeah."

He handed me a tissue and I dried up the blood real quick and ran after Derrik.

I ran out of the building then looked left and right.

Derrik was walking left I started running toward him when someone jumped in front of me.

I could smell he was a rogue.

"Another rogue here in town?" he had a smirk on his face,"I Don't see many beautiful rogue like you."

I tried to go around him but he grabbed my wrist and turned me to him.

"Marked? I see," He bit my neck over Caden's mark.

Caden came running out of the morgue towards the rogue.

They were the same height but Caden was a bit less muscular.

"And here's your mate." he said in a harsh tone.

He grabbed Caden by the neck.

I used my magic to take his hand off of Caden.

"What the hell are you a witch?"

"Nope," Caden punched his throat then his face.

Before they finished I ran In the direction Derrik was going.

I looked left and right down streets trying to find him.

I couldn't find him and my neck was still bleeding.

My vision got a bit fuzzy and I felt sick to My stomach.

I felt myself falling over, the last thing I remember was passing out.


I droop my eyes open a bit. Someone was carrying me through a forest.

I felt a small bond of tingles where I was being carried by.

I couldn't tell who it was the bond was small and I was too weak to move.

I made a small groan.

"Shhhhhh Selena," Caden's soft voice hushed me.

"Where are we?" I groaned.

"Getting help."

"What's going on?"

"Go back to sleep."

"Caden, I can't feel my body. What's going on?"

"It's going to be ok just go back to sleep," there was a small cry in his voice.

"Caden, am I dying?"

"No don't say that, you won't die! I won't let you!"

"I'm dying?"

"No you not your just, not living right now."

"I'm dying." finally.

"Its ok we're here, Your going to be fine."

"Caden," I grabbed his arm weakly,"I don't want to live anymore."

"No we are going to grow up together and have a perfect life!"

I opened my eyes a bit to be blinded by daylight, "I could have the best future but I will always have the worst past."

"I won't let you die!" he reached for a old rusted doorknob.

I used almost all I had to force him arm back with my magic.

"Stop letting yourself die! You force everyone who loves you away, you have a shield around your heart! You let people near it but no one can get through it. I don't get why you do it. I just wanted to touch your heart, that shield won't let me though..." I let my guard down and forgot about his hand.

We burst though a door to a small cozy home.

"Bring her to the back room!" A old raspy voice called.

"No!" Wind blew furiously around me, "I'm not doing this anymore!"

I forced myself away from Caeden, falling to the floor.

"That shield is what kept me alive ok?! If I would have let anyone get too close you don't know what would happen! Cause one day I won't be here and they would have gotten to close, I'm not going to hurt anyone more than just leaving!"

I pushed myself up on my weak wobbly legs. Grabbing on to the nearest stable thing.

"Witch!" the old woman cried.

Something snapped in my head. Insanity.

I couldn't stop laughing.
It wouldn't stop.
It wasn't me.

My wounds healed as I couldn't gane control of any sanity I had left.

"So what if I'm a witch what are you going to do about it you old hag!?"

The old woman screamed running away and locking a door.

I turned to Caden I pleaded for help with my eyes but I couldn't ask for it.

My sanity was almost completely gone.

One word and that's when I knew.

My mother was a witch on the run, No sanity at all. I could feel her power in my body.

Did she put herself inside my body to get away?

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