Chapter 1

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If you are a new reader I highly suggest you read the re written version that is currently being worked on... THIS ONE IS TRASH.


I woke up from the horrible nightmare and looked at the clock. It was 5:37 better start on my work. I walked up the stairs, and into the kitchen. There was a note,'do your daily chores then clean my office I have a meeting with another alpha at 4:00, make sure it's done or you will have the beating of your life. Be in your cell by 3:50 or else.' With that I started on my chores first breakfast. I put some sausage in one pan and eggs in the other. When I was finally done with breakfast for the whole pack it was 8:47. Good I have time to set up the table. The pack eats at 8:55. I sat everything out and started to walk away from the kitchen. My brother entered the kitchen right before I got out, oh shit. "Future Alpha," I said bowing my head. He punched me in the face and yelled,"get out of here before anyone else sees your worthless face." "Yes sir," I said getting up and speed walking away. I started to clean the living room when a girl from the pack walked in. She was the only one nice to me. She gave me some old clothes and walked away. I brought the clothes down to my cell and set them down. Then my brother, the future alpha, yelled,"hey Selena, we have another rogue!" I sighed and walked up the stairs. "Far right on the border by the bridge," my brother stated spitting in my face. I whipped it off and kept walking, I made it out of the house only to hear everyone whispering, probably about me. I reached the boarder but it wasn't only one rogue. It was five. "So Billy you were right," the one said in an exciting tone. I looked at the one he was currently speaking to. Billy. As soon as I saw his face I remembered him. He was the worst rogue that had ever raped me. I couldn't get up and I was out here for two days. When I got back home I got the beating of my life. I backed away in fear. "What's wrong princess, don't remember me?" Billy asked. I kept backing away then I hit a hard chest. I turned to see my dad, he said,"sorry boys not today I need her to be able to work." I was thankful, he could be a jerk, but at times like these he saved my life. We walked back and said,"never leave with out my permission." I knew I shouldn't have spoken but I did,"future Alpha told me to." In stead of hitting me he said,"good, your respecting us now, go finish your work!" I scurried off and finished almost everything. I looked at the clock it was 3:45. Oh no his office. I ran to it and started to clean. The five minutes went by fast and I wasn't even half done. I gulped and went to my cell. I knew what was going to happen, but why me. I looked at the clock it was 4:00. Soon enough I heard my dad yell,"you little bitch what did I say!" He was now in my cell I didn't even try to get away. He pinned me to the floor and flipped open his silver pocket blade. He dug it into my side as I screamed out in pain. He got off of me and I gasped for air."No one will ever love a worthless whore like you!" my dad screamed in my face. And I believed him. I'm not pretty enough, and I'm too fat. I cleaned up the blood that the knife had caused me. I sat up against the wall, and cried, I'm breaking. I'm dying. The doctor said so, I don't have much time left. I just feel bad for the next punching bag they have.

His Abused Mate (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang