chapter 10

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I try to start a new life and as soon as I do he has to ruin it. Me and Dylan turn around my brothers dark hair styled like it always was. I missed the days when we were kids and we used to play tons of childish games. "Hey Hunter!" Dylan said giving hik a bro hug. (I dont think i ever said her brothers name but this is his name now.) "Hey Dylan, why is this ugly mutt here?" Hunter asked. He glared at me with so much hate, I wonder what happened to our father. "This beautiful wolf is my mate." he stated proudly. But there was nothing to be proud about. "I see, hey lil sis," he never called me that. "Are you sick or somthing brother?" like I swear he must be sick calling me that. "Just missed my lil sis," woah woah woah. "Miss me?! Your the one that abused me for so many years! And when I finally start a better life your going to say you miss me?!" a lot of people stared. His eyes filled with fire, like he was going to rip me open. Dylan pushed in,"thats enough me and Selena will be going now." we walked toward the guidence office to get my locker number, locker code, text books, and schedual. Once we had those Dylan helped me with my books and locker then went off to class. I was walking to my next class when I was pulled into an empty science lab. I turned to see Hunter looking pissed. "What the fuck are you doing here? And why are you even still alive!?" His face only got more angry. "What do you mean how am I still alive?" "A few months ago we gave you a shot remember that?" I did remember, that it was awful.


I was sitting in my cell laying down about to fall asleep. My father bardged in and picked my thin body up. I got scared because I didnt know what was happening. I punched and kicked but my father just laughed. He took me to his office and straped me to a hospital bed. Next thing I knew my brother showed up with a huge needle. I struggled to get up. I always hated needles. They put the needle in me and pushed the liquid in. I felt fuzzy and remembered passing out. The next few days I can not quite remember.


"Yea I remember that..." If only I could forget. "Well the docter said it was supposed to kill you in 2 months but it hasn't worked," I did go to the hospital. "What about when I went to the hospital?" I suppose that's why I passed out on those steps. After I saw that slut Grace with Derek... I hope he forgets about me and makes her Luna. Maybe he never liked me to begin with, he was probably just messing with my mind. "Why did you go to the hospital?" he asked in a wtf tone. "Well the first time I passed out and almost died, the second was because I got shot..." memories of my very short time with Derek came to mind and it's like I couldn't think strait anymore,"Um I have to go now." My voice trailed off as I walked out the door, and continued to my next class.

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