Have Fun Sleeping Your Way To Mediocrity.

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I changed my bra and underwear and put on a pair of skinny jeans, a HIM tee shirt and the gothic platform boots that i wore clubbing with the girls yesterday. I grabbed my mobile and went downstairs, checking the time when i get to the living room.


I should be getting a call from Jordan any minute now. I sat down on the plush white leather couch and watched whatever was on the TV. I really want this job. My phone buzzed and i smiled widely. I looked at who it was and its a text from Reby. (Reby is Matt Hardy's Wife).


Where are you? Your apartment is empty and Jeff is worried sick. Matt bailed him out and the police woman gave him that note you wrote. Jeff is so depressed without you, Matt is also-you were like a sister to him- and I've lost my best friend. What about our girl time? Our Saturday shopping trips? Our 'Shot of Vodka Every Time We See a Dick on Omegle (idk how to spell that) Nights'? Where are you, Paige?

Did I matter that much to them? Im not going back. Not even for visits. I need to stay as far away from Jeff as possible, because my stupid ass would probably take his cheating ass back. I decided to message back:

To: Reby🙊💝
From: Paige💀🎃

Im done with him and North Carolina. All he did was hurt me. He made me hate myself. He made me hate living. I dont want anything to do with that asshole. I love you and Matt as if you're siblings, but i wont visit, nor will i contact you after this. I guess this is goodbye. You were a great friend but its time for me to start new. A new life, a new job, a new state, a new city. Goodbye Reby Sky, stay fabulous xxxxxxxxx.

I sent her the message and looked at the time.


My phone rang, this time it was Jordan.

"Hey Paige."

"Hey Jordan. Did i get the job?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes you did. Your first appointment is in an hour, so get ready and good luck. I cant wait to see your work." He replied.

"I got the job!" I squealed quietly and danced a little.

We got off of the phone and i shouted to everyone in the house. They all rushed into the room and asked me whats wrong.

"Well, nothing's wrong, but i got a job at the tattoo shop!" I squealed again. "And my first appointment is in an hour!"

Everyone congratulated me and i went to make sure my makeup was perfect. I grabbed my studded black leather jacket and listened to HIM, Motionless In White, Slipknot and Suicide Silence until i left for work.

I'll be 23 in a few months. And being 13 seems like last week. Time sure flies when you've got a busy life.

I was right on time for work. Jordan introduced me to today's customer, whose name is Tom. He had tattoos all over his arms, chest and neck, but i was doing his back piece today. And boy, did he have a large back. Tall and wide. I took him to the table thing where the person lies down while the tattoo artist does his/her job.

Tom wants to have a large dragon blowing out fire with large wings and a gothic looking castle/abbey at the bottom of his back. I quickly sketched the whole design, which took about 30 minutes and i cleaned up his back with antiseptic. Tom was delighted with the design so i grabbed a thin black marker and drew all outlines on his back. I put lines to show how Im going to shade it, and dots for other small details. Jordan stood watching and smirking while i worked on Tom's back piece.

Hours later.

I finally finished his tattoo and i cleaned up all excess ink and a little blood. Tom never even flinched. I took a photo of it and showed it to him.

"And how old are you, Paige, may i ask?" Tom asked.

"22 Tom, why?" I asked.

"Because for someone so young, and this being the first tattoo you've ever done, this is pretty fucking amazing. You even have amazing music taste." Tom replied pointing at my HIM yes shirt.

"Thanks Tom. It was a pleasure working on you." I smiled and wrapped up his tattoo, giving him a solution to clean it with. He walked to Jordan paying him and a group of 7 people walked in and i froze to the floor. My mouth dropped so far down i swear that i could've reached hell itself. It was my heroes, my favourite band and my favourite tattoo artist: Motionless In White and Ryan-Ashley Malarkey.

"Oh my God." I whispered and put my phone in my pocket.

"Ryan-Ash! Its been a long time." Jordan smiled and hugged her. Still, i was frozen.

"Paige, close your mouth because you'll catch flies, and stop staring because your eyes will roll out of your skull." Jordan laughed and i blushed, closing my eyes and my mouth and looking away, tidying up what i had out when i was tattooing Tom.

I looked over at Motionless In White and Ryan-Ashley. These people are my heroes, and I'm only a few feet from them. Ricky catches my eyes and he smiles, standing up and walking towards me.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

You know that feeling when the teacher is coming towards you when you've forgot a really important assessment task, and they're about to scream the fucking roof off? And you're scared shitless?

That's how i feel even though he's smiling kindly at me.

"Whats your name?" THE Ricky 'Horror' Olson asks me.

"P-Paige." I mumble, sterilising the needles and putting the inks back where i found them.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl." He replies and i blush.

"A beautiful one too. A good heart pumping pure blood, a pure soul. And you tattoo. My dream girl." He winks at me. I never knew he was this confident. In interviews he's the quieter one, the small one (compared to the rest of the guys heights.).

"I am not beautiful. Im not even average. I was born with tragedy in my blood, and despair in my bones. I was made with a crack in my heart, sadness in my mind and poison in my soul. I've been compatible with depression since day one. I was cursed with and army of demons inside my head. I'm simply a flaw in this cursed world. I'm a walking travesty travelling down the road of betrayal, broken hearts, depression and broken dreams. Life wasn't made for a mistake like me. Im useless." I reply.

"And Im pregnant." Ricky replies.


"I though we were listing impossible things, because you're none of those things." He says reassuringly. 

Hope you enjoyed this.




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