I wound up giving everything and now I want nothing to do with you!

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Paige's POV (10 weeks pregnant)

I have felt nothing but tired, nauseous, and sick. I don't know why they call it 'morning sickness', I'm being sick throughout the day, especially before supper. Im emotional and hungry, and this isn't very nice. The babies seem as if they're moving, its really weird. I haven't been able to sleep nor have I been able to go out or too people's houses because I'll either fall asleep or need ti be sick, and who wants the lingering smell of sick in their house?

Ricky does everything he can, bless him. He cooks all of our food, does most of the house work and answers calls for me when I'm too tired to.

Later today we're going to our dating scan to find out the babies' due date. Also, they'll be checking if any if the babies have down-syndrome. Hopefully they wont. I cant wait until about 2 weeks though. Thats when the sickness should to wear off.


The babies are perfectly fine, thank God.

Ricky's POV

The babies are fine, they are okay, all is good. Paige and I have decided to paint the walls of the spare rooms a light grey, with white ceilings, and black furniture. We don't know the genders yet, but hopefully we will soon.

The due date is awesome. The triplets are to be born on the 31st of October, Halloween.

Paige seems to be regaining a little energy back, but I know that'll be over soon, all because of whats under her ever-growing bump. We've chosen antenatal classes so we don't really have anything much to do.

Paige and I are just cuddling on the couch watching Edward Scissorhands, our favourite film. Chris and Angelo are coming over soon to help painting the walls with me for the babies' rooms. The fans are highly supportive, well, some of them.

Some 'Paige haters' are always calling her slut, whore, and loads others that are utterly pathetic. I don't really know how she feels about all of the haters because sometimes their words will bring her to tears, and sometimes she won't give a damn. It's her hormones.

There's a knock at the door and Chris and Angelo walk in, Angelo carrying paint brushed and Chris carrying the grey paint. I lead them to the rooms we want painted and I help them cover everything with old sheets and we start.

Paige's POV.

My hormones are everywhere, I'm tired, I'm hungry, my feet hurt and I'm getting slight cramping.

I don't think Ricky understands that this is hard for me. I want kids and I want to be a mom, but the journey isn't a very pleasant one.

I feel a lump travel up my throat and I rush to the bathroom and empty my stomach contents into the toilet. This sucks. I brush my teeth thoroughly and gargle mouthwash. I fix my hair and walk to the babies' future rooms where Ange, Chris and Ricky are painting.

"I'm going to go to the shop for a bit. Then I'm going to Ryan-Ashley's. I'll see you all soon." I say and leave.

I enter my black car and drive to the nearest shop (not Walmart though. I refuse to go there and I always will.) 

I park my car and I enter the shop with a trolley. I collect the usual and then I walk down the baby-care aisle. I know I'm only 10 weeks pregnant, but theres a sale on the baby-care products and Ricky and I have decided to stock up on as much as we can.

I pick up six packs of baby wipes and four nappy packets. I pick baby shampoo, baby oil and baby powder and i look at the baby-grows. Definitely not getting baby clothes from here.

I walk down the ice-cream aisle and add chocolate, strawberry and mint to the trolley. This is all I've been craving so far. I made sure the ice cream was low fat.

Even though I will be in a few weeks.

I get a few other things and I pay for everything. I leave and take everything back to the house, packing it all away. Then I leave to Ryan-Ashley's house. Ryan-Ashley, Kylie and I are going out for a meal.

I'm starving.


The meal was really nice and filling. I drove home and went to bed. Being pregnant is so tiring.

6 weeks later

Ricky's POV

We are on our way to the antenatal appointment at the hospital and I cannot wait. Today we're going to hear the kids' hearts beating. I really really cannot wait.

Paige's bump is quite noticeable now. In the first trimester she really didn't want to do anything sexual, but now, damn. She's getting really aroused. At fourteen weeks I started taking pictures of the bump and I've been doing so for every week and I will do so until the birth. I find it fascinating how quick her bump is growing, even though I'm not noticing it until I compare the pictures.

I think that her new curves are the most womanly, sexy and feminine thing ever. I love every inch if her curves, but Paige, not so much.

She thinks she looks fat and ugly. She's not. She's nowhere near. She's gotten a little more emotional and she now loves the food she hated the most before getting pregnant : garlic and herb soft cheese. The loves the stuff. She also always smells like garlic now. But she doesn't care.

We arrive at the hospital and we wait until our names are called.

"Paige and Ricky!" Cara calls and we follow her into the room.

She checks Paige and makes sure that everything is okay and we're given the all clear.

Cara listens to the heartbeats and smiles at us.

"Their hearts are beating normally. They're doing great." She says.

She lets us listen to the beating and Paige and I begin to happy-cry. Their heartbeats together sound like a running horse.

Everything's going perfectly and nothing can change that.

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