If you let me inside I wont hold back this time.

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I woke up and dressed casually and put eyeliner on. I didn't bother much with makeup, and all I had on was a Black Veil Brides tank top and black leggings and black converse. I put my hair into a pony tail, grabbed my phone, and left the room. I ate an apple for breakfast and i decided on walking to work.

I strolled down the street and my phone vibrated. It was a text from Bam.

To: Paige🎃💀
From: Bam🌚💀
Sorry if I woke you up but would you like to go out with me later? :).

I replied with.

To: Bam🌚💀
From: Paige 🎃💀
Of course :). There a dress code? x

To: Paige 🎃💀
From: Bam🌚💀
Comfortable. I'll pick you up at 5 x :).

To: Bam🌚💀
From: Paige🎃💀
Yay cant wait! ;).

I walked into the shop as Ryan-Ashley and Balz left a little earlier then me (and they left in their car). I stayed at the reception and Ryan-Ashley came to me with a woman. The woman payed as three teenage girls walked in. They showed us their IDs, since they look around 15, and they're all 18. I couldn't help but notice that they have the same colour hair and eyes.

"So, ladies, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Well," one starts, "we want matching tattoos because we've been through so much together, and y'know, because we're triplets."

"Okay, so what would you like then?" I ask.

"We want a palm tree on our wrists and three coconuts on it." The middle one says.

"Okay, come back here then." I say and the girls follow me.

I quickly sketch the design and make sure that they all like it before marking it out on all of their wrists. While tattooing them, i ask for the meaning if the tattoo.

"Well," the one that hadn't spoken yet answered, "our first holiday was in the Caribbean and there's there of us, so theres the coconuts and the tree. But the coconuts also symbolise that our mom was drinking coconut water from a coconut in Barbados when her water broke a month early. It sounds kind of gross, but in a way, its not."

"That's actually a very lovely story." I smile at them and finish the last girl's tattoo. I wrapped them and gave them cleaning ointment and charged them.

Later that day.

"Finally." I sigh and Bam laughs at me.

"At least he's being charged. Bastard deserved it, especially for doing what he did to you and Ryan-Ashley." Bam replies.

The police just left with out statements and its 4:30, basically 30 minutes until i have a date with Bam. I need ti go home.

"I need to go home, kay? I'll pick you up in 30 minutes." Bam says.

"Okay. I'll see you." I reply and we both walk out of the tattoo store.

"What happened to your Hummer? Holy shit." I gasped at the sight of the Hummer. The back had been completely removed

"Oh yeah, I had a visit from Knoxville a few days back, him and Dunn did it. I had those fuckers back though." He laughed.

"Damn. See ya!" I said turning to walk home.

"Bye Paige." He says and drives away. I soon arrive home and i go to my room. I changed my tank top to a baggy Slayer tee shirt and a Motörhead hoodie (RIP Lemmy).

I remove my makeup and just put on natural looking fake lashes and i hear a knock on the door. I went downstairs ti see that Ryan-Ashley has gotten home and that Balz and Bam were talking and Balz let him in.

"Hey Bam." I greet with a smile.

"You ready to go?" He asks.


"Come on then." He says and i say goodbye to Balz and Ryan-Ashley. I gawk at Bam's Lamborghini. A beautiful dark purple Lamborghini.

He opens the door the the passenger side for me and closes it after I get in. I put my seatbelt on and he came in an did the same. We drove to West Chester and he parked his car. We got out and he lead me to his back yard. I saw his Hummer, it back end still missing from what Johnny Knoxville did, and inside the Hummer, there was many pillows, blankets, and quilts. There was a picnic basket filled with snacks and drinks.

"Surprise," Bam said and looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

"Its beautiful, Bam. Thank you. No one has ever done that for me before." I smile and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

We both get comfortable underneath the quilt and spoke for a while.

"I used to watch wrestling before it went shit, what's happened between you and Jeff?" Bam asked me.

"He started drinking, he went to drugs, legal and illegal. He also cheated a few times. I was done with his shit so I moved to Tampa to live with my brother, got a job as a tattoo artist and met Motionless In White and Ryan-Ashley and she asked me to work with her. And i said yes. And here I am." I said.

"Cool." He pauses "what's that?" He asks picking up my arm and studying it. His face drops.

"Why did you hurt yourself?" He asks sadly.

"My parents were killed. I hate thinking about it and every time i do, i feel depressed and i'd probably cut. I do have depression, but i ran out of pills a few weeks ago and i couldn't care to get more. They only make me feel worse anyway." I say.

"Tell me about you then." I say.

He begins to tell me about Jackass and Viva La Bam. I laughed as he told me how he used to fuck with his uncle. I laughed uncontrollably at his stories.

"Wow. You're so freaking crazy! I'd love to do all if that to people. I bet its amazing to have such great friendships and relationships with so many people." I said.

"It is. Im so lucky to have had the life that I've had. Its really nice." He replied.

"I bet." I giggle and we stare into each others eyes contently.

We slowly begin to lean forward and our lips come into contact. We kiss passionately, his hands on my jaw, my hands behind his head. Butterflies exploded and sparks flew. I felt safe. I felt happy. Content.

I really, really, like this.

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