there's nothing we can do to try and take control when it spreads to your soul

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Paige's POV ( 19 weeks pregnant )

There is this uncontrollable fluttering feeling in my stomach area and I asked Cara what it could be. She said it is the babies' movements. Its feels great. I like to lay in the bath in the peace and quiet and focus on it.

We had an anomaly scan and everything's great. We are having a baby shower and Cara is revealing the sexes to everyone, including Ricky and I. We have no idea of the sexes.

Ryan-Ashley has been planning with Cara so I believe everything will be fine. John, Nikki, Brie and Bryan has also flew out to be there. Everything is casual-ish with a Hallowe'en twist to it, since their due on Hallowe'en.

Nikki has straightened my hair and Brie has picked out what I'm wearing. I am not putting makeup on.

Brie has picked out my Ash Costello Bat Royalty 'super sad hella rad' dress which i have now bought in a larger size to fit over my large bump. Nikki helps me putting on my black converse and I walk downstairs with Brie in front of me and Nikki behind me for 'protective reasons.'

Hallowe'en decorations hang from the walls and ceiling and a long table is placed by the wall. Three cakes with dark grey and black damask in them. Cara says that the colour of the cake inside will tell us what sexes the babies are.

Cara shouts for everyone's attention.

"Hi my name is Cara, I'm Paige and Ricky's midwife and I have baked cakes to tell everyone, including Ricky and Paige, what sexes the babies are. You can now cut the cake." Cara says.

I grab a knife and cut a piece from the first cake. The cake inside is pink. We place the cake onto a plate and I smile at Ricky.

"She's a girl." Ricky said and our friends and family clap and cheer.

I cut the second and smile when I see it's blue. We're having a boy and a girl. I wonder what the third will be.

"He's a boy." I giggle.

I cut the third slowly and the inside is pink. I smile.

"We're having two girls and a boy." I announce.

Ricky hugs me tightly and we kiss passionately.

"I love you, baby girl." Ricky whispers.

"I love you too, baby." I whisper back.

I feel a slight movement in my stomach.

"And you guys too." I smile softly massaging my bump.

"Paige, come open your gifts." Ryan-Ashley says softly.

"Okay." I reply following her.

I lower myself onto the floor, much to everyone's protests, and everyone grabs wrapped boxes or cute gift bags. Ryan-Ashley and Balz hand me their gift and i thank them. I open it and i hug them tightly. They've got the babies three black 'M is for Metal' tops.


Altogether, Ricky and I received gothic baby clothes, a gothic victorian pushchair (from Chris, of course), nappies, and more. We even received frozen meals. Basically, anything that would be useful in the months to come.

We thanked everyone and enjoyed the rest of the shower. We ate cake and played board games and cards. We joked and laughed and had an all-around great time.

10 weeks later.

"I've been pregnant forever." I groan as the triplets kick unstoppably.

"Its been 29 weeks, not forever, Paige." Ricky replies plainly.

"I'm so not ready to be a mom." I say and he sighs heavily.

"No one is ever really ready to be parents. They just go with their instincts." He says.

"I'm gonna be a terrible mom."

"Paige. Shut up. You're not, okay? You're gonna be a great mom. You're gonna be fine, and so are the kids. They'll love you more than anything else." Ricky says and kisses me softly.

My stomach is huge. I'm fat. I'm gross and I cannot even put my own shoes on.

"I'm going to bed." I announce and struggle to get up from the couch. Fucking stomach. I groan and give up.

"Please fucking help me, Rick." I breath in sharply as the kids decide to scare the living shit out of me by kicking.

Ricky helps me and I wince as we begin to walk to the bedroom.

"Want me to massage your back?" He asks knowing that I was going to ask him to do that.

I grin. "Please."

I lay on my left side and Ricky starts rubbing my back.

"Thank God we have everything we need. Hopefully the next 11 weeks will go a lot quicker." I say.

"Me too. I can't wait to meet the kids in person." Ricky says.


The antenatal appointments have been going well. I'm in perfect health and so are the babies. They expect that labour will go smoothly.

I really hope that it does though.

I fall asleep to Ricky softly massaging my back.

Ricky's POV

Paige falls asleep to me rubbing her back. I slide my arms around her growing waist and bury my head in the crook of her neck.

I place my warm hands onto her growing stomach and I fell slight movement underneath. I smile.

I cant wait to be a dad.

I fall asleep to the reassuring movements beneath my hands.


Hi! @AshCostelloNYD here. I apologise for all of the time skips but i don't really know how pregnancies go, even though I've read up in it to try to lengthen my chapters.

Sorry this is a short chapter :(


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