You bring out the devil inside of me And I can't help that I made you weak

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Paige's POV

I wake up to my babies crying. Ricky holds and bounces Harleen and Ocean, while I feed Alexander.

Then, I swap Alexander for Harleen and feed her on my other breast, and lastly, I feel Ocean.

"Maybe you should call the guys and Ryan-Ashley and your mom and dad." I tell Ricky.

"Okay. What about your brother?" He asks.

"Not now. They were happy at first, and now they're pissed for some reason. I'm not in the mood for it." I said sighing.

"Okay. I'll go call them." Ricky hands me Alexander and places him to be lying down in between my thighs and Harleen and Ocean lay on my still swollen stomach and my chest.

I softly hum "The Funeral Of Heart" by HIM until the triplets fall asleep.

Ricky walks into the room and tells me that everyones arrived.



"Can you place the kids in the cot so I can change?" I ask.

"Sure." He replies and puts Alexander, Harleen and Ocean in their cot.

Ricky helps me take off my tee shirt and my nursing bra, and helps me change into a new bra and tee shirt. I chew some peppermint gum and i brush my hair, throwing it into a messy bun. I put lip balm only my chapped, dry lips and I relax onto the bed.

Then, Chris, Angelo, Ryan, Ghost, Kylie, Balz and Ryan-Ashley walk through the door, Ricky's parents trailing behind.

They bare gifts and they put them down either on one of the chairs or tables next to me.

"We got you gifts. How are you?" Ghost says.

"I'm good. I'm tired and sore, but I'm good." I yawn.

"They're so adorable." Ryan-Ashley says.

"I know." I grin.

"What are their names?" Kylie asks.

"From left to right, its Alexander, our only boy, then there's Harleen, then there's Ocean." I grin again at the beauty of their names.

"Awe!" She and Ryan-Ashley say.

"Their names are beautiful." Chris says side-hugging me.

"I know. Ricky and I took the naming process very seriously." I joke.

I let everyone hold them and I give them another quick feed with the thin, white blanket hiding my breasts.

I slide the bra back on as a doctor walks into the room.

"You're free to leave." He says and checks me and the babies one last time before we sign the papers and leave the too bright hospital ward.

I strap the babies into their car seats and I hop into the front of the car.

"How are you?" Ricky asks.

"I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm swollen. But I'm happy, and we're parents. That's all that matters." I smile at him and he returns the smile.

I look down to my smaller stomach.

"I cant wait to lose all of this weight." I say.

"You don't need to. You're perfect." Ricky says, stopping at a red light.

"I want to loose so much weight though, for my health, and so that I can fit into most of my clothes again." I tell him.

"You could get new clothes." Ricky suggests.

"And waste my money when getting healthier is cheaper and better for my body? Rick, I'm losing the weight for me and the babies. I love you, but I'm doing this for me, anyone else's opinions on this don't matter. I really want my body back. Okay?"

"I understand." He says quietly.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you." I say.

"Its okay."

We arrive home and I go and unlock the door while Ricky sorts out the kids. After unlocking and opening the door, Ricky carries Alexander and Harleen into the house and I carry Ocean and one of the hospital bags.

We set the kids in their Moses baskets and Ricky gets everything else from the car.

My stomach growls.

"Babe!" I call.

"Yeah?" Ricky says.

"Wanna order a shit ton of food and eat until we could be on 'My 600 pound life?'" I say, jokingly.

"Yeah sounds good." Ricky says an hands me my mobile.

"I'll call Chris." I say.

I phone Chris and he drives over while I phone for Pizza and Chinese food and Ricky phones for a shit ton of chicken wings.

We'll enjoy non-frozen foods while we can.

After getting off of the phone, Chris walks in with Monster Energy and Rockstar for him and Ricky and Dr. Pepper for me. Ricky and Chris go and get plates from the kitchen and also knives and forks.

I look at the babies and i swaddle them in a thinner blanket as its hot and their sweating a bit.

The food arrives and is paid for and we all dig in. It's delicious.

Ricky's POV

Everyone eats their food and Paige takes the kids to their nursery. They're all in the same room as of now and when they're all a bit older, the girls will have the bigger room and Alexander will have the other room. Paige goes to bed and I stay up with Chris for a while, talking about what it was like having to watch the woman i love go through tue agony of labour and child birth.

"Honestly, it's fucking terrifying. You're just standing there, not knowing what on earth you have to do, while the person you love most is bringing your kids to this world. All I did was hold her and tell her that she's doing great, and she was. She didn't want an epidural or any other pain medication, she wanted a natural birth. I spoke to Cara, our midwife, privately about how Paige should be feeling after birthing. She says really tired and exhausted and then her energy should regain slowly." I told Chris.

"She seems really energetic though. Its been a day and she's already begun expressing milk. Maybe she's just on a high right now." He says.

"Cara says to watch her mood closely though. Her past medical records show really bad depression and anxiety, her parents were killed when she was 10, Cara fears she may develop postnatal depression." I say sadly.

"She'll be fine." Chris says placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so..."

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