How does it feel to take a life away? You turned your back on me so easily.

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Bam and I stay silent for a moment.

"Bam, why do you wanna know so much about me?" I asked curiously.

"Because I'm interested in a girl that is beautiful, that tattoos and likes metal music." He replies.

"That girl must me something then, if a big celebrity like you has taken an interest in her.

"Oh, she is something. I've never seen a girl as beautiful as she. Being around her, even though its been about 30 minutes, just feels so right. I think that i'll ask for her number." Bam smirks at me.

"She'll love that. And in time, maybe you too." I smirk back at him, both of us blush.

"Well, i hope that 'in time' is soon, because Im falling head over heels for her. She's perfect." He says kindly and i smile at him, starting colouring in the Heartagram.

"But she's hiding something." He continues, "hiding it in her beautiful eyes."

"And what is that?" I ask. "What is she hiding from everyone?"

Lets see how good he is at reading people.

"She looks so happy. She tells jokes, she smiles, she has great times. But she's dying inside. She's hurt and tired. Tired if all the drama. Tired of not being good enough. Tired of life. She doesn't want to look weak, dramatic and attention seeking, so she hides everything. She keeps it all inside and acts like everything's perfect but she cries at night. She needs someone to be there for her, to hold her at her darkest times. And I wanna be that person." Bam said.

I put down the tattoo pen and wiped off excess ink and a little bit of blood. I cleaned up and dressed the tattoo, giving Bam the cleaning solution. I wiped away a few tears. What he had said really made me realise how sad i am and how much i really do need someone.

Bam pays for his tattoo and before he leave he asks for my number. We exchange numbers  and as he leaves the shop, Ryan-Ashley and Balz pull up in their car with two pet carriers in the back. Must be Casper and Toronto. I waved bye to Bam as he drove away in his hummer. I locked the shop door and climbed into the car and we were home in no time.

I went straight to my room and thought about today. I hope that Drew doesn't come back to the shop when Im alone. Should I file a report? It us sexual assault after all, forcefully touching me in places.

I smile as I think about the couple. They were so sweet. Im happy that i could tattoo something so meaningful into them and that they love the tattoo. My thoughts drifted to Bam. He is so different from other guys. I think we'll get in great.

There's a knock at my bedroom door and Chris came in.

"Hey bitch, get the fuck up because we're all getting wings." Chris sits next to me.

"What you thinking about?" He asks.

"Work today. It was quite eventful." I say running my fingers through m hair.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I tattooed for a couple, matching ones. It represented that they had gone through thick and thin in the military and in celebration of them trying for a baby." I said.

"Thats sweet."

"Yeah. I met Bam Margera from Viva La Bam and Jackass. He was flirting so much. He was being so sweet to the point that i was in tears, and I had to tattoo a picture of me when i won the Divas Championship onto a creep that later sexually assaulted me." I said.

"Sexually assaulted you?" Chris asked shocked.

"Yeah. He had me in the corner holding my hands above my head and touching me down there. Its find though. I've been through worse."

"Doesn't make a difference. He sexually assaulted you and you're saying to not do anything about it." Chris said.

"I know, but lets leave it alone for today, lets just get some food." I said and we made our way downstairs after grabbing my phone and black handbag.  

Everyone had left apart from Ryan so we all went together in Chris' car. We arrived at the diner and we sat at the table where the rest of MIW and Ryan-Ashley were sitting.

I sat next to Balz and Chris and we ordered.

"How did your day go?" Ryan-Ashley asked.

"It went really well. I did matching tattoos on a couple and i did a Heartagram tattoo under Bam's abs. A little bit of flirting went down, may I add." I said and Balz replied saying.

"Well at least everything went well. That's a relief." He smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This creep called Drew tried to sexually assault Ryan-Ashley before but i walked in the shop and sorted him out." He said.

(A/N this isn't true i just made it up for the story.).

"The same happened to Paige." Chris said.

"Chris!" I hissed. "I said to just leave it alone for today."

So obviously i then had to explain what happened, and that Bam stopped him from going further. Then Ghost asked about Bam.

"So whats Bam like then? I've watched Viva La Bam and Jackass before but people are different when they're on TV." Ghost asked.

"He's a really kind person and Im so glad that I got his number. He's a really great guy and i feel privileged to know him. He's a really great guy." I smile and blush.

"Awe, Paige is all grown up. Even got a boyfriend." Chris teased and pinched my cheeks.

"I will end you." I giggle.

"Then you wont be able to see Bam because you'll be in jail." Chris sassed.

"Whatever." I blushed.

The food came and we ate. We were probably the loudest table there but oh well. After our amazing food, we went home. Balz and Ryan-Ashley stayed up and watched a movie and I went straight to bed. I have work tomorrow, and thankfully Ryan-Ashley will be there with me also. Balz said that he'd call the police to talk to me and to file a report on Drew.

I put on a baggy Foo Fighters tee shirt and I went to sleep. Hopeful for work tomorrow.


Hope you enjoyed this one.
What do you think should happen?

Love ya

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