Chapter 1

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Dan's POV

"Dan, hurry up, we're going to be late," Phil yelled at me from the front door,
"You've been 'fringe checking' for at least 5 minutes!"

It was true. I had been trying to get my hair to look at least decent for a while but it hadn't been working. No matter how much dry shampoo I "carefully" sprayed or hairspray I used, it wouldn't work. Of course, I had straightened it as I did everyday, but it still didn't look quite right.

Phil was probably nervously pacing as I could hear the light pitter patter of footsteps in the hallway. Phil's footsteps came closer and he opened the door to my bedroom.

"Seriously, Dan, we need to go," Phil said, staring at me until I stopped looking at myself in the mirror and faced him.

"Okay, fine, let's just go," I gave in, realising that this was the best I could do, looking at myself one last time before I left.

Usually, I didn't really care much about how I looked but on the rare occasion that we did leave the house, I did try to look my best.

We rushed outside but our cab wasn't there so I got out my phone quickly and called the cab company.

After a quick conversation with our cab driver, who said he was stuck in traffic and would be 15 minutes, Phil and I decided that it would be best to just wait in the flat until he pulled up outside.

We went inside and I decided that the best use of my time would be on Tumblr. After taking off my shoes and coat, I got my laptop from my room and sat on the sofa, in my scrolling position. As I scrolled, I reblogged a few posts about Kanye and others about anime. Occasionally, I would call Phil over to show him something I'd found and we'd just laugh or feel really traumatised, there was no in between with these Tumblr posts.

Eventually, about 15 minutes had passed and there was still no sign of our taxi driver.

"Hey, Phil," I called over to Phil, "When were we supposed to be meeting them again?" I asked him.

"In about 15 minutes, Dan," he replied, "There is no way we'll be there on time, let me just text them letting them know,"

I sighed. Closing my laptop and putting it to the side, I stood up and headed for the window. I looked outside and finally I could see the cab waiting for us. As I put on my shoes and coat once again, I yelled to Phil that our cab was here and went down the stairs and opened the front door, just about to leave.

"Oh, hello," I said to the delivery man.

"Hi there. I have a parcel for Mr Dan Howell," he replied to me.

"That's me," I said, slightly confused; I hadn't ordered anything recently.

After signing for it, I quickly examined the small parcel. What could it be? Before I could actually open it and find out, I remembered that we were late so I put the parcel on the stairs and rushed outside. Phil was there already, he must have passed me while I had been too focused on checking the parcel.

Quickly, I ran over to the cab getting in after Phil who was just smiling at me.

"I guess we're gonna be late then," he says to me, still smiling.

For some reason, his smile was contagious and I ended up smiling.
"Why are you smiling?" I said, trying to wipe the smirk off my face but failing as every time I looked back at Phil I would just smile again!
"Because, it's funny, we'll be late. Again..." Phil answers me, giggling slightly as he says the last word.

I nudge him playfully and roll my eyes.

"We're not always late. Stop making it look like that," I mumble, shaking my head and just laughing at myself because I couldn't even say that truthfully and I knew it.

The truth was that I was late very often and because Phil lived with me, so was he.

He nudged me back playfully and just shook his head, because he knew that that wasn't true as much as I did.

After the half an hour journey, we arrived at the restaurant. We payed the driver, even adding a small tip, then entered the building.

Just a few tables away from the entrance, we saw our friends who had already started eating without us.

"There you guys are," PJ says, " We were going to wait, but we had already been waiting for half an hour,"

"Yeah, sorry, come join us though," Chris adds.

Phil and I removed our coats then took the two empty chairs, right next to each other. PJ and Chris were deep in conversation, but I guess that's fine, couples do have a lot to talk about.

The waitress came over to our table, so we ordered two cans of Coke and each of us chose the plate of our choice, though the woman would only have to come back with 2 plates,rather than 4.

Whilst we waited for the food, I decided to strike up a conversation with Phil. All that meant was that we talked about a collection of things that ranged from anime to some songs from My Chemical Romance.

It seemed like we were just all separate as Phil and I were talking while PJ and Chris were, though, honestly, I didn't mind. Sometimes, it was nice to just talk to Phil and laugh with him.

We spent the rest of the evening in the same way, just chatting and eating until eventually it was time to leave.

"It was good to uh catch up with you guys?" Phil spoke, somewhat questioning if this could even be counted as "catching up" with them.

"Oh, sure," Chris answered.

Before it got any more awkward I decided we should just leave.

"Okay, bye!" I said a bit too excitedly; I guess I looked a bit happy to be leaving but I tried my best not to as it was not my intention.

We left and I practically dragged Phil to the underground station a few streets away, deciding that we could save the money that we would have spent on a cab for something else.

HI! Okay, so this is just the first chapter of many and I hope to update weekly? Maybe? Let's hope so.

So, I hope this was good and if you liked it tell me, if you want. I'm so sorry if this was terrible.


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