Chapter 4

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Dan's POV

The morning light shone through the windows, waking me. As I looked around, I realised I was still on the sofa; I guess I must have fallen asleep last night while watching. While my eyes adjusted to the light and I slowly started to wake up, I realised that Phil was asleep, laying almost completely on me.

Carefully, I reached over to the side and grabbed my phone checking the time, trying not to wake him with my movement. It was midday. Great, another day wasted. But I guess it had been worth it, spending time watching anime with Phil.

As Phil slept, I tried not to move, just allowing him to rest on me, and kind of just watched him. He just looked so peaceful and I smiled at his sleeping form.

After only a few minutes of watching him, I was interrupted by the door bell suddenly going off. Phil started to wake up, obviously because of the doorbell, then just bolted upright, blushing. Was he embarrassed that he had fallen asleep on me? Had he realised that I had just let him sleep on me? The doorbell rang once again, I'd almost forgotten that I was supposed to answer the door.

I jumped up and speed walked through the hallway to the stairs and went down to open the door. Once I opened the door, the same delivery man from a few days ago was there, with another package except now it was wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

"Hello again, another package for Mr Dan Howell. Could you just sign here?" the man said, handing me over the package.

"Sure," I answered, then signed it and sent him on his way.

Walking up the stairs, I was even more confused at having another delivery that we were not expecting, unless Phil had ordered something recently, though I doubted it. When I arrived at the living room, I expected Phil to be there but he was not.

"Phil?" I called out, as I waited for a moment but there was no answer, "Phil?"

Confused, I started to look around a bit and went down the hallway to check his bedroom; he was not there. Then, I walked back, heading to the kitchen, expecting to see him stealing some of my cereal as I often found him. As soon as I walked in, Phil jumped out from behind the wall attempting to scare me and I just laughed.

"You are not supposed to laugh, Dan!" Phil whined, almost like a child.

In response, I just laughed again and Phil can't stay "mad" at me so he just bursted into laughter with me.

"What even was that, Phil?" I mocked him, in between my laughter.

"I can scare you. Just watch out, Howell,"

Howell? Since when has he ever called me Howell? Not really sure how to respond to that I just pushed him playfully and rolled my eyes. As if he could ever scare me, Phil is the least intimidating person I know.

Then I remembered what I was going to do. We had to open the package, that was why I had even been looking for him.

"I almost forgot, we need to open another delivery. Are you sure you haven't ordered anything recently? Because this is the second mystery delivery this week, Phil,"

"Seriously, Dan, why would I order something in your name?"

"Oh right,"

"Well let's just open it! The suspense is killing me!"

Suddenly, Phil's eyes lit up and he looked very excited once again, just like the other night, maybe even more excited than the other night.

"You open it, you are obviously much more excited about a delivery than I am," I teased him, with him obviously realising that I was making fun of him.

Without another thought, he snatched the small, blue package and rushed over to the kitchen drawer, grabbing the scissors and practically tearing apart the wrapping revealing the contents. I then realised what it was.

"Oh my god..."

Presents (Phan AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя