Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

"Dan, what's this package here?" Phil asked, as soon as he opened the door.

I'd completely forgotten about the mysterious delivery just before we had left.

"I don't know, I haven't ordered anything. Have you?" I asked him but he just shook his head.

"Let's just open it and find out," Phil answered, seemingly a bit too excited, almost like a small child opening a present.

But it was quite normal for Phil; His childlike manner matched his adorable personality.

He darted up the stairs, Phil, who was almost running still had a wide smile spread across his face. I was not going to run.

Casually, I grabbed some scissors and took the package from him, laughing to myself. He was really childish. And excited. More than usual.

Swiftly, the scissors glided along one of the edges and it was very pleasing to see it just glide. God I'm so weird.

When I opened it, I was surprised, inside there was a Totoro plush toy. It was really adorable, almost as adorable as Phil.

What the hell, Dan? I couldn't be thinking about Phil in that way. I had to just clear my mind and then focus on the toy again.

"Oh my gosh, who sent this?" Phil exclaimed, picking up the toy and staring at it in awe, "This is the best thing ever,"

To be fair, it really was the best thing ever, or at least close to it. But who did send it? There was no special occasion, no birthday, no big event recently.

Well, nevertheless, I was not going to turn down a Totoro toy. Even if I didn't know where it came from.

"Hello? Dan?" I heard Phil, I must have spaced out again.

"Oh, sorry, right," I replied, just remembering that he had asked me a question just before I fell into my spiral of thoughts, "I don't know who would have sent it, but we aren't gonna send it back, right?"

Phil looked as if he was pondering over something very important. I mean, it wasn't that big a decision.

"What if it was supposed to be sent to someone else and they haven't received their delivery because it was sent here, Dan?"

"I don't know, Phil,"

"Well I guess we'll have to keep it until we do something with it,"

We continued our discussion for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only about 20 minutes. In the end, we came to the agreement that we would just keep it. Maybe ask around if someone was expecting a present or had ordered it, but we were happy to keep it.

This chapter was so short. I don't even know.

Presents (Phan AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat