Chapter 5

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Dan's POV

"Oh my god... That's amazing..."

The contents that had been revealed were two drawings. One of myself and the other of Phil. And honestly, they were absolutely amazing. Every detail was included and the shading highlighted other features of our faces.

"I know right, it's amazing..." Phil replied, clearly as in awe of it as I was.

But then suddenly it hit me. A sudden realisation that came over me. And it was terrifying.

A fan/phan must have drawn this. And this package had been delivered directly to our house. Right to our front door. How would a fan have known where we live? Our exact address.

I felt like I was going to be sick. I needed fresh air. I pushed past Phil and headed for the door, putting on any shoes I could find then walked straight out of the door.

Just before I closed the door, I could hear Phil's footsteps coming down the stairs, clearly following me, but I still slammed the door shut.

Without even thinking, I just walked and walked, not stopping, not looking back. I was completely numb. I couldn't even think about what had happened because this meant that everything would have to change, we'd have to move just because of one fan.

Why couldn't they just have respected our privacy and not set out to find our home?

But still I didn't really feel anything. No anger. No fear. I just felt numb and blank. As I continued to walk, I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and it was Phil, who was holding out my jacket towards me. This simple gesture almost made me smile but then I remembered once again.

Without a word, I took my jacket and put it on, then just looked at Phil for a few moments waiting for him to say something, but he didn't.

I continued to walk and he just walked with me, in complete silence. To be honest, I didn't think he'd even come to my realisation so I didn't know why he was walking with me but...

"Do you want to tell me what just happened?" Phil said, interrupting my thoughts, suddenly catching my attention.

For a few moments, I just stayed silent but then decided that I should tell him, I mean, it could and probably would change everything.

"Well... Um... The drawings of us..." I began, trying to stay calm as I had absolutely freaked out before, "It must have been How could a fan know where to send that to us? Our address..."

The realisation suddenly dawned on Phil and he abruptly came to a halt.

Just as I had reacted, Phil started to realise everything that I had just realised. About how this would mean that we would have to move from our Manchester apartment just because of one fan. One fan.

After a few moments in silence, Phil lifted his head and looked up at me, as though he was looking for reassurance that I could provide. But I was in the same state as him.

Before I could even attempt to reassure him, he turned on his heels and started walking back to the apartment. My eyes followed him and his silhouette became smaller as he walked further down the road, yet I still stood in the same spot.
Soon, he turned the corner and had completely escaped my vision; I guess he was going to deal with this alone.

HI! Okay so I was gonna update this later but I thought I'd be nice and end the suspense. DUN DUN DUN.

This is the Manchester apartment by the way.

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