Chapter 10

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Phil's POV

Dan and I were both sat down on the sofa now. We both had our laptops out and currently I was just editing my most recent video. Dan, however, was trying to think of an idea for a video.

"Dan, have you got any ideas?" I asked him.

His look gave me an answer that said "clearly not".

"I think I will just continue to look for apartments, that should be our number one priority, Phil,"

I guess he was right. It was moving that we should be focusing on, especially after the recent incident.

"I know that, but if you don't upload soon people will think you are dead," I joked around with him.

He just looked over at me and smiled then got up.

"Where you going?" I said.

"To my room, I think I found something," he replied.

A few hours later, I was finally done with my editing and was ready to upload my video. I put it to upload then checked the time; it was 9:30pm. I went over to Dan's room to check on him.

When I arrived I saw he was asleep with his laptop on him.

Should I just leave him like that? Should I take his laptop off him?

I decided that I should at least move his laptop so he didn't break it. Quietly, I walked over to him and picked up the laptop then put it on the bedside table.

For a moment, I just allowed myself to watch him sleep; it was relaxing to just see him resting. After that moment, I realised how creepy this would seem to anyone else, me just watching him sleep.

I snapped out of my little trance and walked away from his bed, over to the door. Quietly, I closed his door and left the room.

I checked the time again, it was 9:45pm. It was strange that Dan was already asleep and it wasn't even midnight.

Nevertheless, I was exhausted and needed to sleep. I headed over to my bedroom and climbed into bed. Before sleeping, I decided I should tweet.

It was as following: It's not even 10pm and @ danisnotonfire is asleep. He looks very kawaii ^_^

With that, I locked my phone, put it on my table, and allowed myself to drift off to sleep still thinking about how Dan looked in his resting form.


Hello there. I haven't updated in a while. You will have to do with this filler chapter for now because I am ill and dying.

Very sorry frens. Will try to update. TENKS. ;)


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