Chapter 11

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Dan's POV

A bright light was shining directly on my face, waking me. Still half asleep, I slowly sat up and reached for my phone, checking the time; it was 8:32am.

Why was I even awake?

As a part of my usual daily schedule I opened up Twitter to see if anything was new.

One thing in particular had caught my attention. Phil had tweeted about me? After reading his tweet I was slightly confused. Had he come into my room last night?

Not that I was particularly annoyed by it. I mean, I had a tendency to completely invade his personal space or wake him up in the mornings, so I couldn't really complain.

I retweeted it and added on:
I am very kawaii, am I not? @ amazingphil

It made me cringe but I just hoped people would appreciate the ironic use of it.

Then, I decided that as long as I was awake I should start my day so that I could be productive. But in reality, all that meant was mindlessly scroll through tumblr all day; it was almost a sort of obsession (probably past that).

Somehow, I managed to drag myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my face then brushed my teeth and looked at my hair.

Was there even a point in attempting to save it today? I probably wouldn't be leaving the house so the answer I was looking for was "no".

I slowly walked out of the bathroom but ended up actually bumping into something. I looked up to see it was Phil.

"Oh sorry," he said.

"It's fine," I replied.

He stepped back and I smiled at him then passed by. I headed for the kitchen, wanting to eat some cereal.

When I got there, I knew what had happened. Phil had been eating my cereal again. The box was open and clearly out on the counter.

"Phiiiilllll!" I yelled at him, where he was in the bathroom.

I heard his footsteps and he appeared in the doorway, clearly looking to see why I called him. I gestured towards my cereal.

In response, he just covered his face and laughed.

"I'm sorry, I have a problem," he giggled still hiding his face with his hands.

I couldn't help but smile at him and laugh slightly. I rolled my eyes at him before he left back to the bathroom. Great. I have no cereal. I searched the kitchen for an alternative but I couldn't really find anything.

Deciding that I would just leave breakfast for now, I settled on our sofa and took out my phone.

Mindlessly, I just scrolled through Instagram, tumblr, Twitter and other apps, alternating between them. Each post gave me a short burst of laughter or perhaps I just smiled.

The sofa suddenly fell inwards and I looked over to see Phil had sat down. I had been so focused on my phone I hadn't even realised he'd entered the room.

"You look happy," he said to me.

I am now, I thought.

"Oh um okay," I replied, not sure how to respond.

"So, do you want to go get breakfast then?" He asked me.

I just looked over at him and rolled my eyes, "You ate my cereal!"

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