Chapter 14

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Phil's POV

Dan shook his head at my comment and grabbed the cereal heading over to the counter.

"Yes, that was quite an interesting trip, Phil,"

We paid the shopkeeper then left the store, heading back home. As we walked, I started to think about how rude the fan had been. I didn't mind that she didn't want to take a picture with me, I got that a lot, but she was trying to force Dan into something he didn't want to do.

"By the way, Dan, are you alright? Because of what happened back there,"

"Oh yeah, I mean I'm fine, I just didn't think she would have even suggested that," he replied, with a smile that was clearly trying to make it seem as if he actually was fine.

Trying to perhaps reassure him, I put my hand on his shoulder for a moment then put it back down, looking up at him to see his reaction.

For a moment, our eyes locked in a steady gaze and he just stared at me. It was such an intense experience, how he seemed to be so focused on me. Even if for only a few moments, but then he turned his head and looked forwards, with a smile now spread across his face. What was he thinking?

Though he had turned away, I hadn't. Instead, I just studied his features for a second; I'd never actually taken the time to properly look at Dan, to just really look at him.

It was strange, after all of this time, to start to notice these things. The smallest of things, even. Even the stupid things. Like how his dimple had two freckles by it that made it look sad. A sad dimple.

Was it weird to be studying your friend like this? To be looking at them so intently and to be so lost while looking at them? Because that's exactly what I was doing, and I realised. Was it weird to say that your friend was just insanely pretty? Because Dan really was.

As though I had been in a trance, I immediately connected with reality once again and suddenly realised how strange it was to be having these thoughts about your friend. A friend. Yet for some reason, I still wasn't looking away, and I hoped Dan couldn't tell that I was still mesmerised by him.

Dan's POV

Why was Phil staring at me? He must have been staring for at least a minute now and I could feel his eyes on me; I was becoming self conscious all of a sudden. 

We turned the corner, almost at our home, and he still didn't look away.

"Phil, do you have the time?" I asked, turning to him, his eyes meeting mine and he seemed to not really be staring anymore.

"What, yeah, it's 11:20," he answered, then when I turned my head back he wasn't staring at me anymore.

I don't know why I had been so uncomfortable but wasn't it strange for someone to just look at you for so long?

We reached the door and I opened it, stepping in. I was about to open the other door and go up the stairs until I noticed something at my feet.

I knew what it was, I'd caught a glimpse of it and instantly knew, but I didn't want to look down. Yet, I had to. I looked down and saw yet another package, with the same wrapping as the last.

"Uh... Dan," Phil quietly said behind me, obviously seeing it also.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

I should really update more often. But I've just been busy with a few things. Over the next few weeks I will be updating more so don't worry.

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