Chapter 5

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The room was in silence for almost 15 minutes now. Cory, Topanga, Stuart and Jennifer could not even look at them. They are still trying to digest the information that their kids are going to be parents at such young age.

"Are you guys going to say something," Farkle broke the silence. Riley was already started sobbing minutes ago and he was getting irritated with the tension in the room.

"What do expect us to say Farkle, you got a girl pregnant," his father replied.

"My daughter, my daughter, you got MY daughter pregnant" Cory, sounding furious and got up.

"Dad, please don't be mad, I'm sorry," Riley said as she breaking into tears.

"I'm not mad Riley, I'm very sad and disappointed, I thought me and your mom raised you well, but we thought wrong," her father add before he walked away heading to his room.

"He needs time Hun, like I need time to digest the information right now," Topanga said.

Jennifer got up and sat beside Riley and hugged her and rubbed her back to calm her down but instead she started crying even harder.

"How far long are you dear?"Mrs Minkus asked.

"She's almost ten weeks mom," Farkle answered the question since Riley in a bad state of answering questions.

"Have you been to the doctors?" his mother asked Riley again.

"Yes we've been, I took her to Dr Stevens," farkle replied. Then he took his copy of the ultrasound picture from his right jeans pocket and hand it to his mom.

His mom stared at the picture before she said, "Oh my god, this is real" before she pass the picture to Topanga.

"How and when did this happen? We trusted you both. Especially you hunny, your dad, he trusted you with Farkle. He never thought you guys would go this far, and maybe that's why he is so disappointed because he trusted," Topanga said after looking at the ultrasound picture.

Farkle could not bring himself to look at anyone, he only look down at his shoes, not knowing to respond to that. He was guilty, too guilty to look at anyone and he don't know what happens now, because he couldn't think of anything with the guilt on his shoulder

Riley stopped crying, before she told how they did it in Texas.

"You know you guys are too young for this right? Like too young. You guys just started high school and you guys are going to start it with being parents?" Topanga asked. Then she turn to Jennifer, "So what are we going to do with them?"

"I don't know, the question is what are you guys going to do with the baby? Are you planning keeping the baby or giving the baby away for adoption?" Jennifer asked.

"Adoption." Stuart said without giving chance Farkle or Riley to answer the question. "I have plans for your future Farkle and having a kid will just ruin all of the plans."

"Your plan dad, your plan, not mine. And no dad, it's not your decision. We haven't discussed it yet, we want to see how it goes before we really make up our minds," Farkle said with a raised his voice.

"Stuart, it's our first grandchild from our only son! Farkle forget what your dad said, whatever it is, it's you and Riley's choice. I will always support you and Riley whatever happens."

"Yeah, me too. Whatever it is you're still my daughter hunny and I love you." Riley was glad that her mother said that to her.

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