Chapter 9

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"Okay, Maya got your text, what's the emergency?" Farkle asked as he crawl into Riley's bay window.

"She won't get up, she need to go to school," Maya said.

"Where are her parents?"

"They have gone to work. They couldn't force her, so they left me to handle with this,"

Farkle walked to her bed and slowly sit on the bed next to her and pull down her covers.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," Riley said with her face pressing onto her pillow.

"Riles what's wrong?" Farkle ask while stroking her hair to the back.

"It's not fair, it's our mess, and I have to carry the evidence,"

"You look fine, Riles,"

"Stop saying that! Why men don't carry the babies? Do you know how hard it is," she started sobbing.

"Riles, please. I know you're having a hard time here but I am trying my very best to make it easy for you." Farkle sigh. He was exhausted as Riley too. Since she's in her 2nd trimester she has been crazy with her cravings, mood swings, and all her ridiculous demands but Farkle has always been patient with her and try to fulfill all her needs. If she say keep complaining how tired he is, Farkle is as tired as her as well. Riley then finally face Farkle.

"I'm sorry, I don't hate you." Riley apologized.

"Can we go to school now?" Farkle asked.

"It's already late."

"It's never too late, c'mon, me and maya will wait for you to get ready." Riley put her head back onto the pillow and groan.

Riley is 22 weeks now and obviously she is showing. The whole school knows that she's pregnant now. That's why she had a hard time going to school now and then. She will always find an excuse to skip school and Farkle will also always be there to deal with her excuses and small tantrums. As for the people at school, some would support and be happy for her and some would give sarcastic and mean comments about it. They both try not to go rage every time people give a piece of their mind because what do they expect people to treat a pregnant couple? It does not happen everyday seeing a pregnant girl walking in the halls.

All of the five of them is sitting at the cafeteria table; Farkle, Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Zay.

"Why are you guys late again?" Zay asked.

"Please don't ask," Farkle sighs.

Maya lean closer to Zay and whispered, "unless you want to get killed by a pregnant girl, keep talking," Maya gave him a smirk.

Riley only kept quiet and pretend she doesn't hear the conversation and eat her chicken parmesan with her pasta.

"Why she gets to eat something good everyday for lunch and all I get this stupid cafeteria food?" Zay asked again as he could not keep his mouth shut for once.

"Why don't you just ask me why I'm pregnant and why do i eat too much!" Riley was pissed and she is giving him her death glare.

"I told you," Maya said in her a low voice.

"Gosh, I'm sorry. So hormonal."

"What did you just say?" Riley ask as she is about to go furious.

"Zay, please. If you come to the cafeteria just to mess with her, I think you should go," Farkle sounded annoyed.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry okay." Zay got up and put his tray away.

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