Chapter 13

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Riley shook her head stubbornly at Frakle, "No Farkle, I'm not going out there like this," she said.

"Come one, everyone is going to know you're pregnant," he chuckled. "Being fat and pregnant is two different thing."

"My thighs got bigger!" she said, frowning.

"No they didn't, you're being insecure right now." he said.

"I still can't though. Someone may laugh." she said. "I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I look like I'm about to give birth. Oh god, what if my water breaks? I won't know it!"

Farkle chuckled, "No, it won't happen. Now, come on, people like seeing pregnant girls in bikinis at pools. You have been complaining about always being hot and the pool will cool you off. Now come on, I'm going to give you a perfect day."

"Someone is going to laugh at me!"

"No one will, I promise. Now, I can try carrying you out but I think that would be more embarassing." he said and she glare at him. She wrapped her towel around her and walked out of where they pay to get in.

She groaned as they walked inside that gates and there was alot of people around. Riley couldn't help but feel insecure with pretty skinny girls that walked pass.

When got to the spot that didn't have much people, Farkle laid the blanket down and held his hand out for the towel. She frowned and hesitated but gave him the towel.

Riley crossed her arms around her chest and rubbed her arm, looking around and if anyone was looking at her as if she's crazy to come here pregnant.

But no, most of them did not pay attention to her which made her feel a little better. She placed her hand under her growing belly as Farkle helped her to sit down.

"See, no one died." he said and she glared at him.

"I'm really emotional right now, Farkle!" she said. "My hormones are going crazy, right now."

"There's Maya, Zay and Lucas. Hey, don't," he said, grabbing the towel from her baby bump. "You should feel comfortable, not feeling bad about yourself. Your beautiful, love that bump."

"Not like those skinny tan girls." she said.

"You mean fake tan? I can smell fake spray on tan a mile away from here." he said. "You're kinda tan."

"I'm not bronze tan," she said. "Soon my stretched marks will be more noticed, I hate being pregnant." she pouted and tears start filling in her eyes.

Their friends got closer and Farkle wrapped an arm around her. She wasn't sure she hate being pregnant or she just feels being huge, sweaty and uncomfortable.

"Hey Riley, their having a sale on their ice cream and- whoa, who made the pregnant girl cry?" Zay asked.

"She's not enjoying being pregnant right now." Farkle said. "Tell her she looks beautiful."

"C'mon, Riles. You look beautiful, I promise you. There's nothing wrong being pregnant." Maya said.

Riley looked up and they started agreeing that pregnancies is beautiful and she shouldn't feel bad of how she looks.

"I think you should worry more after you have the baby cause then your stomach is ruin, with stretch marks. Unless, you work out." Zay said and it upset Riley even more.

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