Chapter 11

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"They are coming right?" he asked Riley that is sitting next to him in Biology class, they're lab partners.

"Yeah, they're coming," she replied. "I told them that I would stay at your house after school and wait for them to come for dinner," she adds.

"My mom is so excited because the baby room is already finish and she is so satisfy with her work. Okay, basically she did not do it by herself but she design it and she's happy about it." he told Riley.

"It's weird how your mom is more excited than we are for the baby."

"She always wanted lots of kids but she can't. That's why I'm the only one. She wanted to adopt but my dad was not fond of the idea," he explain. "That's why she is so excited, because she always wanted a baby other than me of course," he smiles.

"I'm sorry,"

"What are you apologizing for?"

"I don't know, it sounds sad, and I feel sorry," she explained.

"Oh, okay."

They stopped talking in class when their Biology teacher gave them the judging look. She hates how certain teacher give her and Farkle the look just because she's pregnant. Like just because she's already pregnant, she cannot have other flaws. Riley felt bad that Mrs Minkus couldn't have more kids when she wants to. It makes her wonder, how many women out there would die to be in her position. Not being a pregnant teenager but experiencing the feeling of pregnancy. She remembered that one of the books she read about surrogate mother. How they have to ask other people to carry their child because they can't carry them. It makes her feel sad, like she's ungrateful but in the same time, she shouldn't even thinking about this, especially she is a pregnant high school girl. She is just grateful that she has everyone on board.

Riley is busy reading a book, when she noticed that the car is going in the different route.

"Where are we going?" Riley asked. "Please don't say shopping when I'm in this condition."

"No, no, my mom asked me to pick up the food she ordered," he said. "No worries, all you got to do is stay in the car while, I'll be picking up a few things for our dinner tonight."

First they went to the cupcake shop, where Mrs Minkus ordered cupcakes. Then, they went to the bakery to get some bread and pastry and lastly to this french restaurant to pickup the dinner for tonight. While Riley was waiting for Farkle, in the car, she saw Smackle cross the street and she totally changed her looks. The way she dress is different, not like when she was in middle school. A few minutes later, Farkle get into the car.

"Okay, we're done. Next destination, my place which I'm very sure you're happy about it. So, you could get enough rest." Farkle said.

"Where is Smackle studying now Farkle?" she asked. Farkle was surprised that she asked about Smackle, because the last time they talked about her is on New Year when she broke up with him.

"Isadora? Well, she moved to in Europe. Probably studying in London, the last time I heard about her. Why you asked?"

"Just asking," she said casually and continue reading her book.

"You never asked about her, like ever. Why so sudden?" he asked.

"Nothing really, it's just something about one of the character in the book reminds me of her," she lied.

Riley don't know why she lied that she saw Smackle crossing the street. Maybe because the fact that she's his ex-girlfriend, some part of her feel jealous about it. She don't know why, maybe because of her hormones or the fact that Smackle changed into this beautiful girl like she saw in movies, since she's been to Europe. Probably she travels around Europe as well, to France, Italy, Sweden, Belgium and more because Smakle's rich, she can do all that. She probably shop in Paris. One of the things that Riley is afraid about Farkle knowing that Smackle is back, is that, she's afraid that she might lose him to Smackle. She knows how loyal Farkle is, but she can't help thinking that because they've once shared a serious relationship together and it's kinda a threat to her. Smackle is smart, Farkle and her shared a lot of interest together and also have the same amount of knowledge and now, Smackle is amazingly beautiful. Riley feels like she is nothing compared to her because she feels so fat and ugly now that she's pregnant and it would be hard for her after birth trying to lose the baby weight. She think its best that Farkle doesn't know that she's back in New York.

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