Chapter 12

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"Hey Riles why are you still awake, are you okay?" Farkle asked as he was woke up to Riley whispers to the baby.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just she won't stop kicking," she raised her shirt enough to reveal her stomach.

Riley haven't been sleeping lately because the baby is just so active at night that it keeps her awake. She regretted when she said, she wanted the baby to kick because she wants to feel her. Now that she is around 32 weeks, the baby just won't stop kicking at night. She haven't been sleeping well, and that's making her really sleepy in class.

Seeing Riley, could not sleep is making Farkle could not go back too sleep as well. They are currently at Riley's house. Farkle sleepover at her house without her parents knowing because he knows she has been having a hard time sleeping, and that he needs to be there for her.

The kicks become so strong that it could not only felt at the outside, but can be seen. Farkle watched as he smooth his hand over the bump as it contorts with the movements. He can feel it poking up and tickling his palm.

"She has been moving like in patterns, since before after school," Riley said.

"I've read it in the book that sometimes movement will feel like they're in a pattern and it's usually hiccups," he explained.

"Hiccups?" Riley let out a small laugh. "I can't believe she is having a hiccup. Is the hiccup bad for her?" she sounded worried.

"Don't worry Riles, the book said that hiccups is a sign of a healthy baby that is preparing for life outside the womb," he said, trying to calm her down.

"I'm just worried. I just need to know she's alright," she sounds worried and her eyes look distant, like something's bothering her.

"What is bothering you?" Farkle started to worry seeing her staring at her stomach.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Child birth. I'm still a teenager, it's going to be hard for me." she turn her face to Farkle.

"You don't need to worry about them now. You've read the books, and you know how it works, what you should do and everything. It's going to be fine." Farkle said.

"It's easy for you to say," she look away.

"I told you not to watch all those birth videos on YouTube. I knew it would get you to be like this, overthinking."

"I needed to be prepared."

"You know what, maybe that's why she so active at night. She could not sleep, with you overthinking, it kept her more awake." he joke.

"Not funny, you should go to sleep. You have class tomorrow,

"Yeah, you too. You need the rest. Try sleeping and imagine in two weeks is going to be summer break and you can stay in bed all day if you want while waiting for your due date."

In two weeks is going to be summer break and Farkle and Riley are so happy that they would not have to skip school a few weeks before the baby arrives. Riley is also blessed that she does not have to go to school while she is feeling like a whale. She is now to lazy to even walk because her feet is getting really sore due to the weight she is carrying. She has been trying to skip school, but Farkle keeps reminding her that it's almost summer and she need to keep her attendance well.

"Hey," Maya approached Farkle at his locker. "Where's Riley?"

"She's probably already in class in her sit sleeping or playing with her phone. She hates walking or standing with her condition now. Why?" he asked.

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