Chapter 16

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"I come bearing sweets for the one who bears the child," Maya calls from the door. Riley can't help but laugh. Maya promised that if Riley ever gets into labor, she'll buy her cupcakes to make her feel happy.

"Yay, my cupcake!" Riley squealed, grabbing the white box from her.

"How are you feeling mama bear?" Maya asked as she flops down on the chair next to her.

Riley nods her head while opening the lid of the box. Inside sits a perfect two cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Riley dipped her finger in the frosting and tasting it before she eats the whole thing. She just throws up her lunch before, so she feels so hungry.

"I'm alright, things seems to be progressing slowly, we have to just be hanging out for a while," she smiles at her.

"I can't believe we just prank Farkle about your water broke and your water did actually breaks." Maya laughed. "Does it hurt?" she asks, scrunching up her face.

Riley laughed and nod her head. "It is mostly just really uncomfortable right now. Whenever I have contractions, I need a something to distract me," she tells her.

"I'm just happy it's you and not me," Maya grins and it made Riley laugh. "Where's "Farkle anyway?" Maya asked.

"He went to grab a drink at the cafeteria," she replied. "Maya, I'm going to try to sleep," she said laying back on the hospital bed.

"Okay, then. I'll go find Farkle then," she said.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Farkle coos while rubbing her back. The contractions had been getting stronger by the hour, but this was by far the most uncomfortable she have felt so far. It feels like a really bad that she don't know how to describe it.

"Can I get you anything? What will help?" Farkle asks, sitting next to her on the bed. When the contracts started, she moved to get out of bed but quickly found that she wasn't going to be able to walk and crouched down, at the edge of the bed.

She let out a loud breath, feeling the pain ebb away.

"Do you want me to get the doctor? Your mother?" he asks. Riley's parents arrived half an hour ago and they just went out to get something to eat.

Riley shakes her head, she was kind of annoyed with all the questions. She knows that he was trying to help and she appreciate it more than anything. But the last thing she wants right now is for someone breathing down her neck while she is trying to get through a contraction.

"Will you help me up, please?" she asks.

He quickly helps her with her feet as she lay back on the bed and turn onto her side, wanting to fall back asleep.

Farkle climbs on the bed beside her and pulls the covers over her. He moves some of her hair out of her face and kisses her forehead.

"I wish I could do this for you," he tells her quietly.

Riley smiled at his sweet words, "After all I put you through, I don't wish this upon you."

"I just hate seeing you in pain," he said.

Riley nod, knowing exactly how he feels. She would hate also seeing him go through something like this.

"It's what we get at the end, for what we did," she said and give him a warm smile.

He leans in and plant a kiss on her lips before she closes her eyes to try to get some sleep.

Riley curls her fingers into a fist as she feels another contraction coming on. They're becoming more frequent and strong. Farkle demonstrates the deep breathing that they saw in videos. Riley was glad that he remembered because she forgot about it.

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