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Chapter Two

I am walking to school, with Haymitch beside me. We are staring forward not saying a word. Normally he would be annoying and I would yell at him, but not on this day every year. All around Panem, people are mourning the lost in the not-so-long-ago Hunger Games. We never spoke of it out loud. It felt right. As we near the school yard, Haymitch stops and pulls my arm to make me stop.

"Look Prim, I just want you to know, whatever horrible image you see that Mom and Dad had to go through, don't go crying to them. Come to me, okay?" he says and looks at me with worry. When did my Haymitch get so grown-up? I think when I look him over.

"I am going to be fine." I say firmly. "I'm fifteen and I am more than capable of doing things myself. You don't need to worry about me, or anything else. Just be your normal thirteen, annoying self." I say as I touch his arm to give him reassurance and looked strait into his eyes, which is not hard, because he is only a couple of inches shorter than me. The bell rang just then, and he hurried to the Junior High, while I hurried to the High School. The District 12 High School is a shabby, two story tall, brick building with roof shingles that are now a faded gray. There are brass doors that lead to every classroom and dirty tiles cover the floor. As I make my way to Ms. Sae's homeroom, where we will stay for the rest of the reaping day, I run into my friend, Rye, and we walk together down the hallway. She has a nervous look on her face and she keeps fiddling with her hands.

"Are you okay about today?" I say concerned.

"Yeah, I just don't want to see what kind of sick life we left behind. I don't want to know what those horrid Capitol people liked to watch as entertainment." she says quietly. We come at last to Ms. Sae's room and walk in. Everyone is all fancied up, and dead silent, which is unusual. Rye and I cross to our desks in the middle of the front row. I sit closest to the door while she sits closer to the teacher's desk. Our teacher is standing in front of our projection screen looking grim. The late bell rang, and Ms. Sae took out the attendance list and started reading off roll.

"Arabia Balister"


I started thinking about who will be our guest speaker, when Rye's name is called. I immediately perk up because my name is next.

"Primrose Mellark"

"Here!" I say like everyone else.

I zone out for a bit longer when the last name was called "Wanna Weighturg". My attention immediately is completely in the classroom.

"I would like everyone to mind our classroom guest." Ms. Sae continues. "They have been through a lot and today brings back a lot of memories. Say respectful and appropriate questions." She looks hard at each and every one of us.

"I would now like to introduce this year's guest, Annie Odair."

Everyone claps politely as an older woman walks in. My mind is buzzing. I have heard so many stories about Annie and Finnick, for heavens sake, my little brother is named after her husband! My mind is whirling with those thoughts as Annie sits down.

"Hello everyone! I am Annie Odair." she begins. "I was in The Hunger Games once and obviously I won because I am here with you today." At this her eyes begin to have tears in them but she immediately pulls through. "I was rescued from district two, after the quarter quell, and I was brought to district 13 and was reunited with my boyfriend and future husband. I remained there until the rebels took the Capitol."

"Any questions?" Ms. Sae asked.

Several hands went in the air.

"The one wearing black pants." Annie said.

"What was it like when you learned that you won the rebellion?" Jimmie asked.

"Well, first I cried when I found out that my husband was dead. Then, I..." Annie stopped and cried.

"Jimmie, apologize now!" barked Ms. Sae.

"No, no it's okay Ms. Sae, he didn't know." Annie says dismissing that comment while wipeing at her eyes.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, you in the fr- you look familiar..."

I get this every year.

"Yes, I am Peeta and Katniss' daughter." I said wearily.

"Oh! Tell them Annie wants to catch up." She said thoughtfully.

"I will. Well, my question is more of a comment." I said.


"Um, well my little brother, is named after Finnick because he was a great man. I just wanted you to know that." I said stupidly.  

Annie right then, stood up, and gave my a hug.

"Thank-you." She whispered.

I said nothing and held on to her even more. She released me after a while and sat back down on her own chair.She kept answering questions but my mind about the information on Annie I have known. I don't know much. I thought. But I do know that she was mad when she was younger. I wonder how she has changed? Soon, it was time for Annie to go. I also chorused with the class in goodbyes. After Annie left, Ms. Sae turned off the lights and turned on the projector.

"Is there any, certain Hunger Games that you want to watch?" Ms. Sae asked.

My hand shot up so fast, that I, myself, was surprised

"Primrose?" she says.

"The 74th" I said, my voice ringing out.

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