Hay-hay Returns

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My eyes wearily opened. I don't remember going asleep. Cursing, I grab my knife from my belt, and wait to pummel someone if they have miraculously come in here. I turned around and saw Amy sitting across from me at the table with her big, brown eyes staring worriedly at me. I put my knife down on the table, and I sat down. Amy edged some bread towards me and I ate it. I honestly never realized how hungry I was until that moment. I guess there has been a lot happening in the last couple of days. I found the flask of water on the table, and drowned that, as well. I leaned back on my chair. All I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. I can't really do that. I most likely won't go home ever again. I opened my eyes and stood up. I fingered my knife. I'll have to carry it in my hand from now on; the games are getting to a close.

How many people are left? I haven't checked in a while. If I see Haymitch again, I'll ask him how many of us are left.

"Where are we going next?" asked Amy

"We are going to the weaponry room. It is on one of the bottom levels, so we are going to have a bit of a trek."

"Are you sure that no one is going to be waiting for us? We could stay here a little longer." Amy asked pleadingly

I shook my head.

"This is the room where my mother stayed when she was here. It would be kind of obvious that we would be here. The rooms would probably be the most popular place for tributes to come looking for us. I wrote a letter to my brother in case he wants to meet up with us, but that is the only place I think would be abandoned." I said.

She still looked a little reluctant, but agreed with me. We set ourselves the task of making it look like we have never inhabited the place. I repacked my pack and put it on two shoulders. With my knife in my left hand, and ally on my right, I left behind the room that would hopefully soon house my brother.


I sat at the foot of the stairs, panting. We just went down God-knows-how-many flights of stairs down to get to our current floor. Amy was sitting against the wall with a white foam building at her lips. With shaking hands, I took the backpack off my shoulders. I unzipped the pack and took out the flask of water. I dumped some in her mouth and she groaned with pleasure. I put the flask up to my lips and swallowed some water. I ran my tongue over my cracked lips, and stood up. My legs were screaming in protest. I lifted my arms above my head, and felt my whole body stretch. Famished, I put my arms down, and went to one of the water fountains on the corridor. I refilled the flask, and took a drink. I wiped my mouth, and went back to where Amy and my pack was. I rounded the corner and saw something that made my heart stop cold. Amy was gone.

I ran over and grabbed my pack, and hastily shoved my now filled flask in the side pocket. I immediately strained my ears for any type of sound. I took my knife in my hand and revisited my memory of when I was at the water fountain. I couldn't remember anything. My mind whirled in a panic-caused turmoil. I started to run back in the direction of the fountain, when I heard my name being called.


I sprinted in the direction of the voice, my thirst and sore legs forgotten. My braid was streaming behind me as I sped up. I heard small whimpers coming from a room as I passed it, and I jiggled the doorknob. Locked. I retreated to the other side of the hall and ran strait towards the door. I put my foot out as I was about to make contact with the door. I expected to slam right into the door,but the door met the ground with my foot. I scanned the room to try and find my ally and her captors. I found Amy tied to a chair and gagged. I ran to her. When I saw that she was not harmed, I faced outwards, with my knife in front of me. Amy made a muffled sound, and I removed her gag.

"Who captured you?" I demanded, still facing outwards.

"We did." said a masculine voice that was definitely not a twelve-year old girls

I turned around, and nearly fainted from shock. (A/N: I was about to end the chapter here, but I will continue on. Remember this moment when you hear the ending of this book)

It was Haymitch and Dale. Those idiots. I ran towards Haymitch and enclosed him in a sisterly hug.

"We're alive." I said.

I pulled away, and ruffled his hair. He swatted me.

"Cut it out!"

I grinned evilly.

"I couldn't resist getting a piece of lint out of Icklehaymichy's hair."

He playfully scowled.

"Nice to see you too, bro."

"Do I not get a hug?" says someone next to me.

I turned around to see Dale. A woodsy scent comes over me. I smiled.

"Nah, you are too sweaty to."

He grins.

"I'll help you with that."

He swings me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I pounded on his back.

I realized I still had my knife in my hand. I looked around and saw that there was a broken faucet in the corner

"Don't make me unleash the rainbow." I threatened

"I'm so scared now." he said in a fake scared voice.

I threw my knife at the faucet. A mist soon spread out over the room. A rainbow formed under one of the lights. The mist was cooling my face. I was suddenly flung to the ground.

"I'm melting." said Dale, dramatically sinking to the floor.

I smirked and went over to pick up my knife. I put a foot on Dale's chest and leaned in.

"Do you promise to never defy me again?" I asked

"I promise."

I backed off of Dale, and he stood up.

"Nice to see you." he said

"Nice to see you too."

I turned around and saw Haymitch and the now freed Amy looking at us with amusement.

"Thanks for the help guys." said Amy sarcastically.

I shrugged.

"Hay-hay, Dale, this is Amy Pond from district 7. "

"Hay-hay!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" yelled Haymitch while Dale said hi.

"Hay-hay, stop being rude." I smirked.

He gave me a look that clearly said 'this-is-not-over' and said Hello to an amused Amy.

I realized that my black shirt was now getting soaked. I went over and turned the water off.

"Let's go somewhere else." I said indicating to the now forgotten door that lay clean off it's hinges.


Yes! They finally found Hay-hay and Dale! *Haymitch comes running at me with a sword* Haymitch! Haymitch! I'm sorry! Well, I just started Winter Break today, so I finally came out with this chapter. I also quit the QotC. I bet all of you thought I was about to kill off Amy in this chapter. So HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. She survives... for now. *smile of death*


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