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Dale POV

I opened my eyes from the best sleep I've gotten since we have been in the games. I heaved my self up, blinking the last bit of sleep from my eyes.

"Nice to see someone else up."

I turned around, and saw Primrose sitting in a chair, facing the door.

"Were you sitting guard the whole night?" I asked with a worried frown.

"Ya, you were too knocked out to wake, and those two over there," she said gesturing to our two smaller allies ",were too cute to wake up."

I took a better look at Amy and Haymitch, and I resisted a laugh. They were on one side, facing opposite of each other, but they were sharing the same blanket. It seemed as if they squabbled over who would get the most blanket, and Amy won. I stood up and drew up a chair next to Prim.

"Go get some sleep, I'll take the rest of the watch."

She nodded gratefully and took the only other bed in the room. I sighed and looked at the door. I wonder what Mom and Dad are thinking about making alliances with Mellarks. My Dad would be pretty happy and my Mom would get super jealous. That's how it normally goes in our house whenever anything relevant to the family comes up. I looked back at Prim's now sleeping form. You could never tell that she was currently in The Hunger Games if you looked at her sleeping form. The happiest I have ever seen her was last night, after she met Haymitch and I.


"Let's go somewhere else." said Prim, indicating the door that now lay clean off it's hinges.

I nodded in agreement. We walked out of the small room that Haymitch and I have been using as a hideout since the beginning of the games. Prim took the lead, with me right behind her, and the two smaller kids behind us. We started to go up the staircase, when Prim turns around.

"I want you all to keep a look out. We can never be too cautious. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" she scream, whispered, making us all jump.

She gave us an evil grin. Her evil smile was so adorable. I thought. I shook my head at the thought. Come on, Dale. Don't become a sap now.

We followed Prim up the stairs. After a little while I began to doubt that the stairs would ever end. At that moment, my foot hit the edge of the stair, and I put my hands up to catch my fall. I met the cement ground. Cursing, I flipped over. Prim's face loomed in front of me.

"Oh hell, I cant even go up a flight of stairs without tripping!"

Prim's musical laughter rang through the staircase. I cracked a smile, and stood up.

"Well, now that that is done with, let's continue on."

We climbed staircase after staircase.

"We-just-climbed-these-stairs-anhour-ago." panted Amy behind me.

"Oh, alright let's take a break." said Prim grudgingly.

I took the small flask that I had out of my pocket, and took a swig from it. I passed it to Haymich, and he did the same.

"So you guys did pick up some stuff from the cornucopia." she said as she took her own flask out of her backpack.

"Yeah, I picked up this, a couple of strips of beef, a bow and two dozen arrows. Haymich picked up a blanket and a sword." I said.

"Where is the bow, blanket, and sword?" Amy asked.

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