The Interviews

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I froze in shock. He actually liked me? That's... Insane. I was so occupied in my thoughts, that I missed him coming back and the next tribute comes up. Soon enough, my turn is up. With shaking hands, I go up to the stage and sit down.

"So Primrose, how are you doing?" He asked.

Was he really asking that?

"I'm a little shaky, but otherwise brilliant." I said.

"How do you feel about Dale's admittance?" He asked.

Fury rose in me like vomit.

"I love Dale, I'll admit that. We are still friends, and considering the circumstances, he better not fall head over heels for someone he barely knows." I arose. I threw my shoulders back and raised my arms just at shoulder height."I am stronger than you all think. I am not something that is to be manipulated. I am not any pawn or tool."

My dress literally shone like I was a goddess and reviled a red cocktail dress with a crown that so resembled a sun. I noticed that Crama even put the old Mockingjay pin on the dress. Good old Crama. I turned back to Caesar who was, for the first time, speechless. The buzzer sounded and I took my place. I watched Haymitch go up to the stage. He sat down next to that dreaded man and he looked nervously in my direction. I gave him an encouraging smile. He nodded.

"That was quite a chariot ride you and your sister pulled off. How did you feel about that costume when you saw it." Caesar asked.

"At first, I was like 'wow I'm going to wear this!' And then I was like 'I'm going to be on fire. Holy crap, I'll be killed before I even set foot in the training center!'" He said laughing.

The rest of the crowd was laughing too.

"How do you feel about going into the games with your sister?" He asked.

I was curious about what he was going to say.

"Well, it is nice to have her support, and how nice it is to fight with someone without getting taken away. What I fear the most, is I won't be there for her in the arena. Mind you, she can take care of herself, but I wish that I could always be here for her, you know?" He finished quietly.

"We can only hope." Said Caesar. "You remind me so much of your father."

How DARE he say that.

"I see who you are named after for your first name." He paused. I was instantly flashed with the older Hayamitch throwing a drunken head dive off of the stage, and resisted the urge to laugh. "Who are you named after for your middle name?" He asked.

My blood boiled. That was it.

"He was named after Finnick Odair, a brave soldier that died or the greater good. He died for his son and wife that are currently alive right now. He never even met his son and loves him all the same. He is many times over a better person than anyone in this room ever will be." I said standing up.

Haymitch nodded and beckoned me over. I stood next to my brother.

"Primrose was named after our aunt who isn't alive to see the light of day. She was a healer, but was a strong rebel all the same. She died as well because of the horror of the rebellion. She was also named after Rue who was one of the more innocent victims of the war. She died before any real rebellion happened, but her innocent death only fueled more people than ever." He said

"These people were some of the greatest heroes in history, and we do what we do to even come close to being the heroes they were. We are here to represent them, even though they are not standing with us, they are in here." I said pointing to my heart.

There was such a stunned silence. All of the sudden, a loud noise erupted rom the people in front of us. The buzzer sounded and I took Haymitch's hand and went backstage. We were greeted by a mob, that contained Barbie, Crama, Terry, Mom, and Dad rushed over to us.

"WHAT were you thinking Primrose!" Said mom in the 'You're-going-to-get-grounded' voice.

"I was doing what my heart told me to." I said.

Mom glared at dad. He held his hands up.

"She IS a lot like you." Said Dad

"That doesn't matter." Said mom.

"What matters is that you both did something incredible out there. People aren't going to forget you in a rush." Said Barbie.

"That is a good thing." Said Terry.

Mom sighed in defeat.

"Come on. I want you to get a good night sleep before you start pulling all-nighters." Sighed mom.

We all gathered to go to a glass elevator. I stepped in and pressed the twelve number. The amazing, yet awkward ride left me deep in thought.

What if that is one of the last times I ride an elevator? What if this is one of the last times I open a door? What if this is the last time I talk to Haymitch? Or mom? Or dad? Or even Rye? I opened the door to my room. Buttercup came over and greeted me with a purr. I rubbed her back. I soon got undressed and went in the shower. After taking the longest shower in the history of the world, I went and put on black skinny jeans and a white shirt that says Dreams on it. I hope the shirt means that I get good sleep tonight. I lay in bed for a couple of hours, before I decide that it is a hopeless case, and go up to the roof. I noticed that the door was silightly open. I pushed open the door, to find myself completely unprepared for who was on the roof.

"How did you get up here?" I asked.

He turned around.

"I came up to talk to you about what happened tonight. I got destracted by this door and decided to come up here and enjoy the view." Said Dale

I sat down next to him.

"Yeah, it is something." I agreed.

The whole Capitol stretched before our eyes with glittering lights. It was a magical sight, that seemed so cruel because of what would be happening within 24 hours.

"Watch this." I said.

I went over to the edge of the building and started to fall.

"Prim! No! Don't!" Said Dale running over.

I smirked at him, as I fell on the force field and bounced back.

"Tada" I said doing jazz hands.

He looked severely pissed.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." He growled.

"Yes O mighty one." I said mockingly bowing to him.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to turn in before you find another way to get me killed from a heart attack before the games actually start." He said

He made his way towards the door and paused at the doorway.

"You should get some sleep." He said and ducked out of sight.

I sighed and went back onto my room, to fall into a dreamless sleep.


Oooh, I'm starting to thicken the plot here a little bit. I can't wait for you guys to see the areeeena. Frustrating? Yes, yes it is.


The Hunger Games: Next Generationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें