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I sighed in frustration. My mom was trying to help me walk in heels which is absolutely pointless because we all know I'm rubbish at it. Anyway, I was walking across the room, when I tripped over my too long dress.

"Fu-"I began.

Mom gave me a look.

"-dge" I finished.

Mom sighed.

"I guess we're done. Don't worry, I am horrible too. You're interview dress is much shorter than this one."

"Thank God." I huffed.

A trace of a smile went on her face.

"Go get ready for your father." she hesitated for a moment "I hear that you are attracted to that District 2 boy,"

I gave her a look.

"just.. don't get too close. He might break your heart."

I nodded and went out of the room to find dad. I started down the hallway to find Haymitch start to come out of a door on my right.

"How was it?" I asked him, hoping it was better than falling on my face every five minutes.

"It was alright, we just went over what to do in an interview, which isn't too hard." he said.

I sighed in relief.

"What are we doing with mom?" he asked

"I was learning how to use heels." I snarled "I would rather take another training session than wear those horrid things."

He chuckled.

"I don't know, I think that I'd look good in them, don't you think?" he said posing.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I smirked.

I opened the door that my brother just came from and saw my dad sitting there, waiting for me. I sat down in the chair opposite to him, and waited for him to say something. It seemed like several minutes before he finally said something.

"I think, that you are so much like your mother that you don't really need much guiding. Just go with your heart on every single question, but make sure you don't loose your temper." he said

I nodded.

"You have the majority of the afternoon free." he said

I couldn't believe my luck. I stood up and scrambled out the door. I took Buttercup up to the roof and let him run around. We were soon joined by Haymitch who was also opened to taking the afternoon off. We both were just relaxing under the cool air of the day. Mom came and fetched us a couple of hours before the interview.

"I feel like a girl, getting ready this early." Haymitch complained

I smacked him upside the head.

"Just Kidding." he grinned cheekily.

I struggled not to smile at him. I was quickly ushered away by Crama. The prep team did my hair and makeup again, but not in the way it was last time. I was handed a dress and shorter heels and put those on as well. The mirror was uncovered once again,and I looked different. I was wearing minimal makeup, with my hair up in an elegant bun. I was wearing a dress that was what I called a 'twirly' dress that was red with a glint to it that suggests that it is made with actual fire. My Mom's Mockingjay pin was pinned on the strap. The heels were two-inch and red. I gasped. Crama, once again, made me speechless.

"It's-it's amazing." I said.

She nodded knowingly. I followed her out of the room, where we saw Haymitch all dressed up in a suit that was like mine, except it was black with hints of red throughout it. He looked so nervous, compared to the cheeky little boy I saw a couple of hours ago. We went down to the first level, and exited.

"Remember the advice we gave you." said Dad as we were approaching the other tributes. "And remember to keep your heads. It won't do any good to blow up in front of everyone. Also, when in doubt, show them your strength."

I was confused on that last bit of advice, but quickly brushed it off. We neared the jumble of tributes that were either socializing, or standing alone looking lost. I was about to pull Haymitch to the right, when he tugged on my arm.

"Look! It's Dale!" he said.

Dale came into my point of view and I took a sharp intake of air. He looked like some sort of god with his handsome features, and in his wonderful gray suit. He looks so dreamy. I thought. I quickly realized what I just said. Snap out of it Primrose. I scolded himself.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" I said.

"You look great."

I blushed.

"You look great as well."

"-And you, you little devil." he said attempting to ruffle Haymitch's hair.

"Not the hair!" he said ducking out of reach.

"Who's the girl now?" I taunted

He struggled to attack me, but was held back by Dale.

"Hey, break it up. There will be no fighting until we actually get in the arena." he said

I rolled my eyes as we were about to get called up to the interviews.

We lined up by district and went onstage. There was a round of applause, and the district one girl went up to be interviewed. I zoned out until it was Dale's turn. He walked up to the stage and sat in the chair that was designed for tributes.

"So, Dale, as such a charming lad, what is the main thing to fear from you when in the games." Caesar said.

"Tribute's secret. All you have to know, is that there is more to this guy than looks." he said.

Caesar chuckled.

"True, true. What is one of the main differences that you feel that have taken place since the rebellion?" he asked.

I wanted to tear him apart, limb by limb. How dare he ask that question, when Dale wasn't even born during that time!

"I'm not sure. I don't know much about the rebellion, except from school and from what my dad told me, which isn't that amazing, except the love stories. They are so interesting." he said with a wink into the crowd.

All of the women, and even some of the guys swooned at that last sentience. Gag.

"Do you have a love story of your own?" asked Caesar.

"No, not really." he said with a ruddy glow coming to his face.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Judging by your blush there is something brewing up." said Caesar. "Spit it out. We're all friends." he said.

Friends my arse.

"Well, I have heard wonderful stories about this girl, and I have only really talked to her a couple of weeks ago. I haven't been able to talk to her about it or anything because of what is going on." He said.

"Go and get that girl." said Caesar."Since she is watching you right now, why don't you tell the name of the lucky lady, so she can feel recognized."

Dale hesitated.

"Primrose Mellark."


I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKK!!!! *Does a happy dance* *trips and falls* Anyway, I finally finished my other story, and got this little snippet of a chapter up. I already have another chapter written so stay tuned. Thanks for sticking with me as I put this on hold archers!



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