Allies Are Not Always Welcome

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I woke up to the sound of voices outside my door. I froze and grabbed my knife. I waited for the door to come down, but it didn't happen. I listened  a little more intently to the muffled voices outside the door.

"I can't wait to kill that girl." said the girl district 2 tribute.

"Did you see his face when we found him? And when we attacked him he started screaming for his sister!" cackled the guy from District one.

That comment made my blood run cold. It couldn't be Haymitch. It couldn't be him. Tons of other male tributes have sisters... yeah it won't be Haymitch. It could be somebody else. I repeated this over and over in my head as I heard something else that caught my attention.

"Do you think anything might be in the closet?"

My blood ran cold as I scooted as far back as I could on the shelf.

"There might be. Maybe we'll find a person who's stupid enough to hide in the closet." said another girl.

The whole group laughed.

My breath hitched in my throat as I clasped my hand over my mouth. The door opened and I could see a bit of the gray walls behind the door.

"Nah it's just an empty closet."

I breathed a sigh of relief through my fingertips.

"Look on the top shelf to see it there's anything up there."

I grasped my knife a little more solidly. A big hand came up the shelf and felt around. The hand came towards me and I prepared to stab it.

"Let's just go. There's nothing here."

The closet door slammed shut. I shuddered at the thought of them finding me here, venerable. Weak. I thought back to the old book I had read over the last summer. There was a corrupt society with five factions that went on a complete war. I now understand what Tris was going through. Corrupt societies are rough.

I tried to listen again for any other arena news, but the space behind the door was deemed silent. With a twinge of disappointment, I packed all of my stuff up and prepared to move. I was about to put my loaf of bread back in when I was cut off by the anthem. Damn. I was only out for an hour. I sighed and looked at the ceiling where it has turned into a temporary TV screen. The seal of Panem came up and was followed from both tributes from three, four, five, and six, the male tribute from seven, and the female tribute from ten. The screen blacked out. I didn't know weather to sigh with relief or cry out with frustration. There is only ten dead. We're not even half-way through the games yet. Well, at least Haymitch is safe.

I rolled over on my other side, deciding to sleep for a little longer before moving on. As I was dozing, a sudden thought came to me. Dale. He's still alive! I couldn't help but feel a smile come on my face. At least I know Haymitch would be safe. I thought as I drifted off to sleep again.


I woke up once again. It was time to move. I stuffed the last of the things in my bag and took the knife in my hand. I slowly opened the door, expecting an attack. No one came running. I almost relaxed, then remembered a quote from one of my favorite books. Constant Vigilance. I kept the knife out, and slid out the door. I chose the opposite direction from where I came. I stayed in the shadows of the hall, and debated to use the water fountain I had come across. I shrugged and took my flask out. I filled it up, and took a long drink. I wiped my chin and continued on.

There were several doors along the way. I crept past them, just in case any tributes decided to keep refuge there. I really need to find food. I thought. I will eventually run out of bread. I looked both ways before pressing my ear to the door. I didn't hear anything, so I slowly opened the door and crouched on the side where the hinge was. There was no whispering of any type. I waited ten minutes before deciding it was safe to enter. I went in the door and closed it softly behind me.

This room was another one of those rooms I went in before, except this didn't have Mom's things and a window. This should be good for a while. I sank down and fell asleep once more.


I woke up again to outside noises, but this time it was the anthem. No one died today. I packed up everything and left the room with the knife in my hand. I hugged the wall. I went on for a long while before I tripped over something.

"Emff" I said trying not to make any noise.

I looked behind me and found a smaller red haired girl on the floor. I scrambled up with my knife in hand, prepared to throw it. The girl whimpered and I lowered my knife, but kept a firm grip.

"Please don't hurt me." she said a little desperately

I offered the frightened girl a smile, and knelt down next to her.

"I'm not going to hurt you. You just startled me, that's all."

She nodded again with the tears fading away in her eyes.

"Will you be my ally?" she asked.

I thought about it for a minute. I was really doing well on my own, but it was getting kind of lonely. She didn't seem too skilled, but she may have some skills that could contribute to the both of us. My mind was made up.

"Alright, but I'm not doing all of the work, okay?"

She nodded stiffly and got up.

"Come on, we need to find a place to spend the night." I whispered

We went on for some more time. There was another supply closet and we opened it. This one was different. There was many art supplies and  a bit of food. The girl gasped and grabbed at the food. I held her back.

"I know you're hungry, but we need to preserve food for the future." I reasoned

She nodded.

I proceeded a little more cautiously and found a couple of crackers and two carrots. I split the carrot in half and gave her a couple of crackers. We ate in silence. I took a couple of pencils and paper and went on the bigger upper shelf. The girl followed me. I started to draw a little bit. I wondered what to say to my new-found ally.

"So, er, what's your name?" I asked.

"Amy, Amy Pond."(AN: Okay Whovians don't kill me for this)

"Oh, what district are you from."


I was really surprised. Not many survive from district seven.

"Well, Amy, do you want to draw?" I said offering some of my paper and pencil.

She took it and started sketching. We laid in silence for a while. I felt Amy put the paper on my side, and I picked it up. I almost dropped it in shock. It showed a majestic woodland that made up district 7. It showed Amy with a younger boy-probably her brother and a smiling mother and father waving. I almost expected it to come to life.

"How did you do this?" I said in awe.

"I have always been an outcast in my district, so I always went to my paper and pencil to escape from the world." she said.

I said nothing else as her breathing evened out.

"Goodnight Amy." I said as I fell asleep next to my almost unwanted ally.


Hey guys! How do you like Amy? I didn't originally plan to put her into the books, but she sort of slipped out with the chapter. Anyway, I JUST READ DIVERGENT!!! It was so good!! I also saw the Disney movie Frozen. I have Let it Go stuck in my head lol. CATCHING FIRE WAS AMAZZZING!! Especially the elevator scene. That face was 1% Katniss and 99% Jenifer Lawrence. Anyway, I just felt like updating this chapter with the long weekend. I also saw the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. It was AWESOME!!!!! Oh my god! Its President Beige! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!


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