And It Begins

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I looked around to find a place to safely go when the gong goes off. I noticed that Haymitch was at the end of one line, and Dale only three tributes down from me. We locked eyes. I immediately looked away and watched in horror as the girl District 9 tribute stepped off her plate. I shouted in alarm, but she ignored me. Her foot met the ground, and the ground exploded under her feet. Fire, blood, and flesh rained down on the remaining tributes. I swallowed. This was going to be fun. I looked at all of the goodies in front of me and picked out a backpack, bread, and knife to run after. I put myself in a running position and watched the clock count down. 20...19...18 Okay Primrose you got this 14...13...12 That side path looks like a good place to go hide 9...8...7 It's starting 5...4...3 I love you mom and dad. The gong sounded and I sprinted towards my prechosen items. I grabbed the bread, as it was first in reach, then grabbed the backpack and the knife. I made a beeline for my chosen route, before I heard a whistle of an arrow. I pulled the backpack over my head. The arrow missed completely, and I heard someone curse on the other side of the room. I quickly went through the path, and ran down the hall. It was until I was sure that I was pretty far from the Cornucopia, that I began trying doors after I stowed my knife in my belt. I opened a door to my right. It was a kitchen. I closed the door, before going on some bit to another door. This door was a room with a window on the top. I was about to close the door, when I saw something on the chair. It was the old hunting jacket that always hung over the office door.


A seven year old girl with blonde hair in a single braid, and cornflower blue eyes was slowly opening a heavy, oak door. It creaked open, and she hesitated before coming inside. She tiptoed across the room to an oak table with multiple paper strewn all over it. She looked around. The room seemed to be a study of some sort, because the walls were covered with bookcases, filled to the brim with books. She longed to take one down, but thought better of it. To the right, were three comfy, leather chairs with a light in between two of them. She turned her attention back to the desk. She tiptoed more towards it, looked around the room as if it might have someone in it, and climbed on the swivel chair. She looked through the papers in awe. They were all about wonderful people from faraway places. It was like reading a story that was just about the characters. She devoured alll of them, before continuing to the next pile. A sticky note was on it that said The Hunger Games: Draft The small girl just simply started to read it. She paused, and looked at the pen in front of her. She kept scanning the page, and occasionally marking something down. A sound was heard downstairs and she quickly set the pen down. She scrambled off the chair, and accidentally pulled the old hunting coat that was draped around the chair off. She didn't notice as she ran out of the room and shut the door.


"Sweetheart?" asked the girl's father to her mother.


"These edits of this book are amazing! I would of never thought that I wouldn't have to edit the book at all!" he exclaimed

Her mother looked mollified at the comment, and went over the papers her spouse handed her. Her smile instantly turned into a worried frown.

"I didn't make any of these changes."

Her father also joined in on the worried look.

"I didn't either." he said slowly and turned around to see his daughter trying to sneak out of the room unnoticed.

"Primrose, did you do this?" asked her father gently

She nodded slowly with her inherited blue eyes widening in fear. Her father let out a gusty sigh.

"Princess, what did we tell you about going to the study?" appeared her mother behind her father.

Her wide eyes were glistening with tears.

"To not go in there." she said in a small voice

"That's right." said her mother, "we have several precious things in there that we don't want touched, so don't go in there.

The girl started to cry in shame.

Her mom let out an exasperated sigh.

"Alright Primrose, we believe that you are really sorry and won't do it again." Said her mom.

Her wide eyes nodded. 


"Mommy," The small girl asked during supper. "What is that old hunting jacket doing on that chair?"

Her mother thought for a bit before answering.

"It belonged to your Grandpa, my daddy."

"Oh, why do you keep it in there?"

"Do you want me to bring it down?"

"Yes!" Squealed the little girl wanting to hear more stories about the grandpa she never met.

Her mom briefly smiled before going to the forbidden study upstairs. She returned with the old hunting jacket in her hands, and draped it around the chair. The jacket has been there ever since.


I shook my head to clear it, as I stuffed the jacket into my pack. I looked around the room to find a parachute, pearl, and locket hidden in a drawer. I looked at them for a long second before stuffing them in the pack as well. I opened another drawer and found some basic clothes. I put those in my pack as well. You never know when you would need clothes. I decided to keep moving until I found a safe place to stop. I crept through the halls until I came across a closet. I looked above up and found a top shelf that should keep me hidden from plain sight. I finally opened my pack and started to sort through the items. I first took the knife out of my belt and carefully put it next to me at ready position. I hesitated before pulling out the hunting jacket. I pulled it close and smelled the familiar woodsy scent. It may not be the original, but it was pretty close. I carefully put the jacket over my lap before pulling out the parachute. I looked at the container attached to it and found a pearl. I didn't know where the heck that came from but it was obviously important. I put it back in the case and closed it. Next, I brought out the locket. I opened it and gasped. There was Gale, Grandma, and... me. I looked a little closer and saw some differences. It must be Primrose Sr. I pulled out the loaf of bread, took a piece and stuffed it in my mouth. My stomach howled for more, but it would just have to wait until morning. I proceeded into my bag once again to withdraw a flask. I opened it and it was filled with water, I drank a fifth of it and made a mental note to get more water. I dug around once more and produced two pens. Pens? I thought. What the hell is this supposed to be? We're in the freaking hunger games for god's sake! I really hope there's something else. I dug around again to find a bottle with a skull and crossbones on it. Poison. I thought. I shuddered and laid down as comfortably as I could. I made one last check that the door was locked and barriered, before going in the last short night of sleep that I would get within the next six months.




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