Just the Two of Us Against the World

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I woke up with the comfort of a smaller body pressed against me. I blinked in confusion before I remembered that that I had gained a little allie in the past hours. I carefully gathered all of the supplies in the pack. I looked at the amazing sketch she had made, before stuffing it into the pack as well. I even packed the pencil and paper in case we really need it later. I was just finishing strapping my knife to my belt as the anthem came on. We must be off on the hours of the day. Still, it was time to go. I gently roused the small redhead. She blinked a couple of times. then got up. I looked at the celing and saw that there was no deaths. It won't stay like this for long. I looked at Amy and saw that she already slid to the bottom of the closet. I slid down and landed right next to her. I motioned for Amy to stay back while I open the door. I turned the handle, slowly. The door creaked open.

We pressed ourselves against the wall and waited for a couple of minutes. I nodded slowly, before edging out of the door. I slipped past the door and looked both ways. I was about to whisper to Amy to come out, when a huge hand covered my mouth. I struggled. One hand stopped pinning my arm and pulled backwards. I used this opportunity to knee the person(who I assumed was a male because of the flat chest) in their boys. I was rewarded with a howl of pain and I wrenched myself free of his grasp. I grabbed my knice from my belt and faced my oppenent. It lookes like he recovered and was busy bringing a sword out of his pack.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy killing you." he growled and swung at me.

I dodged it and stabbed my knife at his arm. It only made a small scrape, but judging by the sound he made, it must hurt like hell. He continued swinging at me, and I kept dodging. I strike comes down on my head, and I rose my knife to meet it. I was responded with a clang. He kept pushing down on the blade.

"Say your last words twelve?" he growled.

I spat in his face.

He let out a below of anger and pushed harder. In mid push, he had a look of surprise and crouched down. I stared at him in anger, before I realized that there was blood pouring out of him. I looked up to see little Amy Pond there with a huge, butcher knife. She wiped her knife on his jacket. There was the boom of the cannon. I stared at her in shock, as she stowed her knife in her shirt and faced me.

"I was wondering what happened to you."

I gaped at her.

"It's nice to know that people underestimate me." she said sorrowful voice before sobbing.

I ran over to comfort her. She held on to me and she kept bawling.

"I-I killed him." she said and broke into a fresh set of tears.

"Yes, and by killing him, you saved my life." I said gently.

Her tears subsided a bit after that and she soon fell asleep. I soon took her in my arms and started to carry her away. I was almost collapsing by the weight of the girl by the time I arrived at my Mom's former apartment. I went inside the almost bare room and laid the girl on the lower bunk. I shuffled around in my backpack, and found the pencil in paper I stuffed. I wanted to write a note to Haymitch. What should I write? Oh, I know! I sat down and started to write the letter.


I'm fine so far. I have a new red friend. She was really nice and saved my life today. At the moment, she is sleeping. I really miss you and want to be at the lake back at home. If you need me I'll be defending the weapons.


I looked over my letter to see if anyone but Haymitch can figure out where we will be hiding. It seemed clean, so I placed it on the table. Then, I settled down to take watch, while my little ally was sleeping.


III JUST FINISHED DIVERGENT!!!!!!!!!!! OMIGODS!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!! *once again wishes to be in that story even though I would only last a week. It would be one hell of one* Anyway, I have just decided the fate of Amy, and most of you are going to throw me off a cliff with her fate. *runs away laughing with people clad in black chasing after me*


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