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Chapter 4

I look at Rye in horror. She looks like she's going to pass out. I grab her hand and lead her towards the door. We are last in line. Ms. Sae leads us to town square. There is a line of kids that line up. Boys on the left, girls on the right.


I turn around and I see my mom running towards me. She slams into me and takes me into a hug.

"Be strong. Don't show fear." she says. "I love you very much and if you're chosen, I will be with you every step of the day." I clutch her even harder.

"Take this" she says.

She hands me her mockingjay pin. I nod in acknowledgement. She turns around and heads for the Justice Building. I put the pin on, as I stand in line. The attendant took Rye's hand and pricked it. She places her finger on the box near her name. She scans it and says she can go. As she passes by I murmur

"Wait for me."

She goes back in line. I take my turn and meet her at the end of the line. We walk to our places silently. We stand next to each other. Soon the square is completely filled up. A Barbie looking woman comes up on stage and smiles. Behind her is the mayor of the town, Jasmine Undersee, My mother, then my father.

"Welcome,welcome!" the Barbie says. "My name is Mere Lamode." She continues on about having a video and eventually our president comes on.

"Welcome to the 76 annual reaping." The video of the president says. "I bet you all are wondering why I have suddenly decided to bring The Hunger Games back. I am President Snow's Granddaughter. Neige means 'Snow' in French but that's not important. This time, the capitol will be even harder to beat. The rebels don't have District 13 to make all powerful weapons to take the capitol over. They have shared all of their secrets with us. THIS Hunger Games is to make the Rebels pay for taking away the Capitol's greatness. Happy Hunger Games! And May the Odds be EVER in your favor." The screen goes blank.

The odds are certainly not in our favor. I think. Rye starts shaking so badly next to me.

"Don't worry, Rye. They aren't after you. They will be after me. Look who my parents are." I whisper to her.

She relaxes a little bit and whispers back, "I don't want you to go either."

I don't either. I think.

"Ladies first" Barbie says.

She crosses over to the bowl full of names. She digs around and finally picks a slip of paper up. She opens it up and reads the name.

"Primrose Mellark"

I squeeze Rye's hand, and turn down the middle aisle. I reach the Justice Building and climb the stairs. I reach the top and relax. At least Haymitch won't come into the games with me. I stand near the Girl's bowl. I put my hands at my sides and stand motionless and expressionless. Barbie digs around the Boy's bowl and reads a name.

"Haymitch Mellark"

I watch in horror as Haymitch's face turns really pale and he walks up right next to me. He is shaking. Mayor Undersee reads the treaty. Haymitch and I shake hands and enter the Justice Building. I enter a room and sit on the couch. The door opens, and Rye comes in. I stand up and hug her. She hugs me back.

"Don't die." she says. "Don't die, I won't get over myself if you do." She says.

"I won't." It seemed like an empty promise.

We soon travel to the train. I take Haymitch's hand. We enter the train. I step into the dining room with awe.These are all valuable silks and Crystal doorknobs. It was simply luxurious. We sat down and ate in silence. I immediately excused myself and fell in bed. I fell into an uneasy sleep.


Author's note

Please comment on this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to know wheather I'm doing okay or should I just erase the story. I have no clue and I would appreciate what you think.


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