Chapter One

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Chapter One

This story assumes Jamie to be about 25 at the start of the series and that Eddie is three years younger than he is. Jamie married Eddie about then end of season six, approximately March of 2016. Joey was born four years later and Lila four years after him.

I'm not sure if it works out mathematically, but I love Frank and didn't want to write this without him in it, so we assume he is about 92 years old. Danny is approximately 70 and Erin about 67. Joey is 24 and Lila is 20. The story Tough, took place between August of 2027 and May of 2028.

Reagan Family Home

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

June, 2044

Jamie!" Eddie called when she heard the kitchen door slam shut. "Don't be banging the door, I have bread rising!"

Eddie had been hard at work all day. They were playing host that night for Lila's boyfriend, Steve's graduation from the FDNY academy that evening. It was sticking in Jamie's craw having to do this for a smoke eater, but it was also for his little girl.

"Okay," he replied loosening his tie and dropping his heavy briefcase on the floor. Eddie hurried in from the living room where she had been cleaning up for the party. "Your father is trying to sleep upstairs, can you keep the noise level down?" she scolded again.

Jamie ignored her admonishment and pulled her in for a hug, "I missed you today, Detective Reagan," he whispered. "I had to handle my own schedule; it's a miracle I got here on time."

"Well, someone had to get the house ready and Lila had classes. She's on the train back now." Eddie laid her head on Jamie's chest. Since he'd become the PC a year ago, she had been his right hand at the office. His father had advised he needed someone as strong willed as he was and as intelligent as well. For Jamie, Frank admitted that was hard to find. He'd had Baker at his side and he never regretted that. Jamie had chosen Eddie for that job, she did it at home, she could do it at 1 PP.

After Eddie's bout with breast cancer, she had chosen not to return to work until Lila was in high school. It was incredibly hard to get reinstated but then Commissioner Gormley pulled the strings required as a favor to Jamie, his then right hand. Eddie quickly made a name for herself and flew through the ranks. When Gormley retired and threw Jamie's name in the ring as his successor, Eddie was primed and ready for taking over the huge shoes left by Abigail Baker after her own retirement that same year.

"I know, and I do know you would much rather be a homemaker and take care of Dad than be working with me," Jamie sighed. "But I love you for doing it anyway."

Eddie pulled back, "How did the meeting go with the Mayor?" she asked. They were in a fiscal crisis, again.

"It went," he sighed. "We can't see eye to eye. There are deal breakers on both sides. It looks like if I want to keep my stress training and the mental health training I have to freeze wages and benefits at their current levels."

Eddie poured Jamie a glass of iced tea, "Drink's blueberry, very calming." She had gone full on holistic after her cancer, but she had not had a recurrence or even a scare in thirteen years, so perhaps there was something to it.

He took the tea cup and sipped the cool liquid as Eddie busied herself with setting up dishes and plates for the family meal later that night. "I was asked by Commissioner Haydn to sit with him on the stage tonight but I think no, I think I'll sit with my beautiful wife."

"You do what you need to do," Eddie told him. "If an alliance with the Commissioner will make your life easier then you sit up there and you smile."

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